Cold War

  • Iron Curtain

    Winston Churchill used the Iron Curtain to describe the barrier between communist Soviet Union and capitalist Europe. The Iron curtain was a barrier that separated communist and capitalist countries and ideologies. This affected the cold war by bringing attention to the very different ideologies and created a way to contain the communists on the other side of the curtain. From the Soviet perspective the Iron curtain was a measure to protect themselves against capitalist influences.
  • Yalta

    "BIg Three" world superpowers met at Yalta. Roosevelt, Stalin and, Churchill tried to re-draw the map of Europe. This affected the cold war by creating alliances depending on each country's location in Europe. The countries closest to the SU were to be ruled by communist ideologies and those closest to the west allied with the US and capitalist ideologies, generally.
  • Potsdam

    The leaders Truman, Stalin, Churchill and, Attlee agreed that reparations needed to be made for the war and they also warned japan to surrender or face a powerful new weapon (which is an atomic bomb). Britain and the US were concerned about the spreading of communist ideologies by the Soviet Union.
  • Hiroshima Bombing

  • Nagasaki Bombing

  • Truman Doctrine

    US provided aid to countries willing to support capitalism.
  • Marshall Plan

    US gave aid to anyone ravaged by war in Europe, no matter if they were communist or capitalist.
  • Molotov Plan

    Provided aid to Eastern European countries allied with the SU.

    North American Aerospace Defense Command is created as an alliance between Canada and the US for defense along Canada's northern shore
  • Brussels Treaty

    Belgium, France, Luxembourg, the Netherlands and, the UK allied with the West
  • Period: to

    Berlin Blockade

    West Berliners cut off from supplies. US flied in supplies for 11 months
  • NATO

    Canada becomes one of the founding members of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization to defend allied people from SU forces
  • Period: to

    Korean War

    Canada contributed military forces to defend South Korea. THis helped push back communist forces in North Korea.
  • Stalin's Death

    Who: Stalin
    Where: USSR
    How it affected the cold war:It led to a temporary period without as much tension between SU and US
  • Period: to

    Vietnam War

    Vietnam was divided into two zones that created a hot war between capitalism and communism. There was many lives lost and it affected the cold war by proving how much damage could be done if the SU and US were to start world war 3.
  • Warsaw Pact

    Alliance between SU, Bulgaria, Poland and, Hungary to counteract the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • Period: to

    Hungarian Revolution

    Who: Hungarians and SU
    Where: Hungary
    How it affected the cold war: The SU overpowered the hungarian revolution and continued to oppress them with communism. Also gives people hope that there is a chance to stop Soviet rule.
  • Fidel Castro Take Over

    Fidel Castro took over military control in Cuba and allied himself with the Soviet Union which resulted in nuclear weapons being placed in Cuba Much to the dismay of the US. This shifted things within the cold war because now nuclear weapons fired at less distance (Cuba to US) would cause much more damage if they reached that point.
  • Creation of the Berlin Wall

    Fortified Berlin with capitalist beliefs because they were surrounded by communist countries.
  • Period: to

    Bay of Pigs

  • End of Cuban Missile Crisis

  • NPT

    Who: Several world powers
    Where: everywhere
    How did it affect the cold war: reduced the possibility that a nuclear war would begin.
  • Period: to

    Afghanistan/Soviet War

    Who: SU
    Where: Afghanistan
    How it affected the cold war: SU was not able to take afghanistan from the rebels and therefore could not establish communism there which meant bad things for the SU
  • Solidarity in Poland

    Who: Poland
    Where: Poland
    How it affected the cold war: SU was cut off from poland and this further lessened its power.
  • Berlin Wall Falling

    Who: Berlin
    Where: Berlin
    How it affected the cold war: As the cold war began to calm down the Berlin wall was removed and people were allowed to cross the borders and further reduced the tension that was already fading.
  • Period: to

    Czechoslovakia revolution

    Who: Czechoslovakia and SU
    Where: Czechoslovakia
    How it affected the cold war: SU was losing a lot of power in eastern europe.
  • End of the cold war