
Cold war

  • Truman doctrine

    Truman doctrine
    This doctrine was made by president Truman. This was made in the fear of communism. The doctrine was to help countries that were face with the chance of turning communist.
  • Marshall plan

    Marshall plan
    This plan help the west side of Europe. This plan gave money to help rebuild and stop the spread of communist. This did not help communist countries.
  • Berlin blockade

    Berlin blockade
    The US, France, and UK parts of Berlin merged. After hearing this Russian off roads and rails links. This was stopped about 1 year later.
  • Nato

    This organization was made during the cold war. The headquarters is in Brussels Belgium. This is organization is a big treaty between US and Europe and some countries in between.
  • Josephs death

    Josephs death
    This man governed the Soviet union. He started governing it in then mid 20's and did until his death. He was born on December 18th 1878.
  • Space race

    Space race
    The space race was a race between the US and USSR to get to the moon. The USSR wanted to reach the moon before the US. The US won the race and ended the space race.
  • Sputnik II

    Sputnik II
    The USSR launched a 2nd satellite with a twist. They launched it with a dog inside the dogs name was Laika. She was the first living creature in space.
  • Sputnik

    This was the first artificial satellite ever. This was the USSR Satellite and was a upset to the US because the want to be the first. The satellite was the size of a beach ball and orbited 1440 times
  • Explorer 1

    Explorer 1
    This was th first satellite sent to space by the US. The USSR had sent a satellite into space a month before. This was a disappointment because the US wanted to be the first.
  • U-2 incident

    U-2 incident
    This event happened in a Soviet airspace. What happen is a us plane got shot down. The US was not happy about this.
  • First human

    First human
    The Russians beat the US for a third time with this mission. They sent a Russian man named Yuri into space. He completed one whole orbit of earth.
  • Berlin wall

    Berlin wall
    The Berlin Wall was a wall that separated two half of Berlin. The wall was 115 kilometers long. The wall was made out of concrete and got deconstructed in 1989.
  • Cuban missile crisis

    Cuban missile crisis
    The Cuban missile crisis was a reported sighting of a USSR nuclear base.Cuban Missile Crisis. The president got scared and demanded the removal of the missiles. The USSR moved the missiles and war was averted.
  • JFK assinations

    JFK assinations
    The president of the United States got assassinated. Lee Oswald got arrested for murder. US thought there may have been communist involved.
  • Apollo 11

    Apollo 11
    This was the first mission that successfully made it to the moon. Neil Armstrong became the first man to touch the moon. Some people think this is fake because it is.