Yalta Conference
FDR, Churchill, and Stalin all met to discuss the ending of WWII and Germany's future. In the agreement, Stalin agreed to free election in Eastern Europe.
Yalta Conference -
Differing Opinions
After the Yalta Conference, the Soviet Union didn't keep all their promises. It became clear that the Soviet Union had very different opinions from the other allied countries on how the division and power of Germany would work. Divided Germany; Slide 5 -
Berlin Airlift
The Soviet Union was allowing highway routes to be open to allow Berlin peple supplies from outside. After seeing the other powers in Germany orienting their zones to anti-communism, he closed them off. The allies refused to back down to the Soviets and instead began a massive airlift. This airlift lasted more than 300 days and gave Berliners food and supplies.Berlin Blockade; Slide 6 -
Soviet Sattelites
Soviets put their first 2 satellites into orbit (Sputnik). The first was unmanned and the second carried a russian dog. This was huge because it made people wonder what else they could be capable of.Space Race; Slide 10 -
Bay of Pigs
As it was seen that Castro, the leader of Cuba, was going towards a more communist government, the US tried to do something to stop it. Cuban exiles were trained and sent to Cuba to work as a secret invasion force. When they arrived however, Castro was ready for them. Castro killed 100 out of the 1400 invaders and captured the rest. This was very embarrassing for the US.Bay of Pigs; Slide 14 -
Berlin Wall was Created
On this date, East Germany began to build the Berlin Walll separating themselves from West Germany. This helped lower tensions over Berlin even though Kennedy still wasn't happy about it being built. East and West Germany were under completely different powers so this wall kept them from intermixing.Berlin Wall Created -
Cuban Missile Crisis
Cuban Missile Crisis; Slide 17After the Bay of Pigs, the Soviet Union began efforts in Cuba to construct launch facilites aimed at the US. Little did they know the US was watching over and knew exactly what they were doing. Kennedy went on live TV and showed the world what was going on. He sent the Navy down there to blockade and look over all vessels entering. After 13 days, an agreement was reached that if there were no missiles in Cuba from the Soviet Union, then the US will not attack. -
Apollo 8 Launched
Apollo 8This was a landmark event because it was the first time a manned space craft left Earth's orbit. Not only did it leave Earth's orbit, but it also reached the Moon. It took 3 days to get there and it orbited 10 times in 20 hours. -
Four Power Agreement
Four Power AgreementThis agreement was made between the four allied powers in Germany. It changed the government in West Berlin and allowed easier access from one side to another. -
Soviet Union invades Afghanistan
Soviet Union in AfghanistanOn this date, the Soviet Union took its forces and invaded Afghanistan. These efforts were done in hopes of increasing the popularity of Communism and allowing the Afghanistan government to turn to a more communist government. -
Soviet Union Leaves Afghanistan
LeavingIn 1988, the Soviet Union realized that they weren't getting the results they had hoped for in Afghanistan. In other words, they embarrassed themselves and retreated back home. This war caused 15,000 lives to be lost, countless money lost, and it even caused a boycott at the Olymipic games in Moscow of 1980. -
Berlin Wall torn down
On this night, East and West Berliners fled to the wall in celebration of thh Cold War coming to an end and the end of their separation.Fall of the Berlin Wall -
START is Signed
George W. H. Bush and Mikhail Gorbachev signed this Strategic Arm Reduction treaty in hopes of a limitation and reduction in the use of offensive arms. This was huge in keeping super powers away from resorting to missiles and large warheads. This same year, the soviet Union came to a final end.