
Cold War (1945-1991)

  • The Yalta Conference

    The Yalta Conference
    Conference between FDR, Churchill, Stalin to discuss final results of the second world war and what Nazi occupied Germany would lose as a result of causing this war. This meeting relates to GASPIRE theme, political, since it was a meeting between politicians and leaders in big powerful countries to discuss defeat over Germans. They agree to divide Germany in four and govern it jointly.
  • Truman Doctrine

    Truman Doctrine
    Communist Russia was trying to influence other European countries to follow their economic system. Capitalist America was strongly opposed to that idea since it can reduce economic successes. Greece and Turkey were in danger to becoming communist and, in desperate measures, USA paid these countries 400 million to avoid the communist influence. This was important and ties to GASPIRE theme Social because countries with similar ideology, unite better. This began policy of containment.
  • Marshall Plan

    Marshall Plan
    The Marshall Plan was a plan created by George Marshall, U.S Sec of State. This plan was meant to rebuild Europe from destruction caused by the second World War. About 13 billion dollars were aided to European countries devastated from war. This relates to GASPIRE theme, economic, because it was recovery for the economic and financial aspect of the European countries. However, many European countries were scared of being indebted and enslaved to dollar, so they were hesitant.
  • Berlin Blockade and Airlift

    Berlin Blockade and Airlift
    In response to US aid to the European countries, the Soviets block the water access to democratic side of Berlin. The British and Americans flew in 1.5m tons of goods to supply the West Berlin inhabitants. After about 200,000 planes, the Soviets gave up and allowed water into Berlin again. This ties to theme psychological, because the leaders began to target the citizens to bother enemies. The starvation and thirst inflicted on a child or a family may have caused mental trauma.
  • Comecon

    Soviet plan to aid other countries and bring them into communism, and response to USA's Marshall Plan. This was designed so that the other nations wouldn't take money from the United States. This relates to gaspire theme, economic.
  • Opposing Alliances

    Opposing Alliances
    North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) was formed by Britain, USA, France, Canada etc). This was a treaty created to pledge and protect any of the countries involved if threatened. There was also a pact formed between Eastern European countries to protect one another and be loyal. This was created a few years after NATO, in 1955. This relates to Gaspire theme social as it involved connections and forming alliances to protect one another.
  • The Korean War

    The Korean War
    In 1950, North Korea crossed 38th panel, this immediately caused countries to take sides and America to send aid to South Korea while Communist USSR and China sent aid to North Korea. War ended with a stalemate. Gaspire theme that relates to this event is political because you can see that the countries immediately took sides with the countries they are affiliated with more politically.
  • Berlin Wall

     Berlin Wall
    Built to prevent population to flee from East Berlin which was communist. Majority of the population was struggling financially with communism, so they were all fleeing to the democratic side of Berlin. The Berlin Wall was built by the Soviets to stop the flux of people. The wall was later torn down on 1989 and because of a prayer meeting for peace. This ties to Gaspire theme, religious because of the peaceful gathering to protest and pray.
  • Space Race

    Space Race
    In 1961, the Soviet Union sent out the first man to space to prove that the USSR is the best, and the most advanced. With this began the race to see which country would be better technologically, so President Kennedy promised that he would send man to space before the end of the 60's. On July 20th 1969, US sent the first man to the moon. This relates to Gaspire theme, intellectual, because of the innovation and advancements involved.
  • Bay of Pigs Invasion

    Bay of Pigs Invasion
    In 1959, when Fidel Castro took power in Cuba, he began communism with the Support of the Soviet Union. The US was preparing for an invasion to overthrow the new regime. In 1961, they invaded and when they did, all relations were cut. A year later, the Soviet Union sent nuclear missiles to Cuba, this resulted in a blockade and President Kennedy demanded removal of missiles. On October 28th, Kruschev removed missiles. This relates to cultural because of the change in government.
  • The Olympics

    The Olympics
    The USSR beat the USA gold round final, and the USA hadn't lost an Olympic contest since 1936. This shows the competition between these nations in all aspects, in sports or everyday life. The USA, however, did beat the Soviet Union in hockey of the 1980 winter Olympics. This back and forth competition occurred for 50 years in all ways.
  • Art in the Cold War

    Art in the Cold War
    During the Cold War, the tension and unease began to reveal itself in almost everything, in sports, schools, science, and art. During this time, art began to have political conscious meaning a lot fo political messages and events began to be expressed in forms of art and speech. There was also a big difference in architecture because of the many innovations. This relates to Gaspire theme artistic and how the war impacted Art and literature.
  • Berlin Wall is Torn down years later

    Berlin Wall is Torn down years later
    Marks end of communism in eastern Germany.
  • Cold War Tensions Today

    Cold War Tensions Today
    Putin (Russian leader) clashed opinion with Barack Obama in 2014 when they invaded Ukrainian territory, claiming it was their right to take over Russian-speaking ethnic people. This invasion into Crimea, caused US leader, Barack Obama to demand Russia to withdraw forces from the region. Obama had said that Russia would face costs if it intervened militarily in Ukraine. This shows the tensions these different nations still have today, years later.