Yalta Conference (Churchill, FDR, Stalin)
United Nations formed.
Period: to
Germany divided East-West
Period: to
Potsdam Conference
US Bombs Hiroshima
Winston Churchill delivers his "iron curtain" speech.
Truman Doctrine (Containment)
Period: to
Marshall Plan
Berlin blockade/Berlin airlift begins
Berlin blockade/Airlift ends
Korean War
End of Korean War
French defeated at Dein Bein Phu
Vietnam split north and south
After French leave Vietnam, US begins training South Vietnamese troops.
Berlin Wall built
Cuban Missle Crisis
First official battle between North Vietnamese and American troops.
US declares the war in Vietnam is over
Period: to
Soviet Afghan war.
Mikhail Gorbachev becomes Primier of USSR
Berlin Wall falls
Germany reunited
Soviet Union falls.