Cold War

  • The YALTA Conference

    • USSR, Britain, and US (Stalin, FDR, Churcill)
    • divide Germany into four zones of influence (French, British, American, Soviet)- Soviet : East Split capital of Germany, Berlin --> 4 zonesaee Germany will pay reparations, de-militarize, and de-nazifyPoland and other Easter European nations will be allowed to have free and democratic election for the new governmentsStalin agree to enter the war against Japanese and agree to join the UN as Security Council(veto power)Roosevelt grants Stalin
  • No More Bufferzones for SU

    • development of long-range missiles --> SU could be attacked in every direction
    • no more need of bufferzones in Eastern Europe
  • POTSDAM Conference

    • Stalin, Churchill, Clement Atlee(new prime minister), Harry Truman- relations of Western POwers vs. Soviets worsened since Yalta- Truman has tougher stance towards the USSR - US tested the Atomic Bomb putting them in a stronger position to negotiate- US no longer needs USSR in Japan- US/Britain openly argue with USSR about details of how to divide Germany, the amount of reparations Germany had to pay, and Russian influence over countries in Eastern Europe
  • China 1946 - 1949

    After WWII, civil war in China between Mao Zedong and Jiang Jieshi (1946 - 1949)The south supported financially by the US and the North by Soviet Union- Mao had stronger army and promised land reform for peasants
    --> made him popular- Jiang’s support were declining --> economy decline and political party was corrupt
  • Truman Doctrine

    • support for countries that reject Communism ex) Greece and Turkey
  • The Marshall Plan

    • provided $12.5 billion to help rebuild Western Europe
  • China becomes Communist

    signs a treaty of friendship with USSR
  • Berlin Blockade

    • first act of Cold War- Soviets blocked off access to West Berlin, the Allied controlled zone- aim was to force the Western powers to allow the Soviet zone to - start supplying Berlin with food and fuel, thereby giving the - -Soviets practical control over their entire cityallies airlifted supplies into the city for nearly a year until Soviets finally gave up the blockade of the city
  • NATO (North American Treaty Organization)

    • defensive organization- an attack on any member nation will be met with a response of physical force
  • Korean War

    North Korea invades the South in 1950 with the use of Soviet weapons and suppliesUS/UN forces come back to aid of South Korea and push NK back upCommunist China commits 300,000 troops to NKUS/UN troops push NK back to original borderdivide in 38th parallelKim Il Sung to unite NK as communismSigman Rhee was supported by US
  • Arms Race - 70s

    1949, Soviets successfully test an atomic bombUS vows to develop a more powerful nuclear weapon called a Hydrogen Bombin 1952, the Hydrogen Bomb in 1000 times more powerful than the atomic bombs used in Japan1953, USSR tests its first Hydrogen Bomb and both nations start stockpiling nuclear weaponsput in a large amount of money for building up their nation’s military strength mutually assured destruction
  • End of Korean War

    Security Council passed a resolution to help KoreaMcCarther helped South Korea and no more retreats were allowedchanged the course of the war in two dayswinter conditions made it worse a seize fire was agreed
  • WARSAW Pact

    • the USSR creates its own defensive pact with its member nations in Eastern Europe
  • Space Race to 69

    USSR develops Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICMB’s) and launches the first ever satellite into space call “Sputnik”1958, US launches their own satellitePresident JFK promises to land a man on the moon by the end of the decade1961, Yuri Gargarin first man to orbit the Earth1962, John Glenn first American1969, US lands on the moon
  • Cuban Missile Crisis

    close to home in USU-2 spy plane was flying over Cuba and spots a missilesSoviet Union is secretly supplying and building what the US believes to be nuclear missile silos in Cubathreat of nuclear war very high!
  • Vietnam War to 1974

    Communist North Vietnam supported by the Soviets with weapons and moneySouth Vietnam supported by the United STates not only with weapons and money but also hundreds of thousand of troopsthe US feared the spread of Communism and got directly involved in an unpopular warUS believed that if Vietnam fell for Communism, all South East Asia would follow“domino theory” : stop the spread of Communism in South East Asia --> wasn’t true
  • Detente (French word "Relaxation")

    • no need to continue the races
    • have peace
    • SU can't afford hug amount of money for continuing arms races
    • US wanted to end Vietnam War
    • Arms Reduction Treaty of US & USSR - SALT 1
    • Helsinki Accord's : treaty not to use force to change any country's border in EUrope
    • improved SALT 1 --> SALT 2
  • New Cold War starts

    • another arms race
    • started by Soviet Union
    • replace old missile
    • US : creat new weapons
  • Change of Leadership in SU

    • Mikhail Gorbachev, the new Party Chairman
    • wanted to concentrate on country's INTERNAL problems
    • "perestroika" : restructuring
    • press became more free, factories started to manage their own affairs, and voting was alloweed for places in some government organizations
  • INF(Intermediate Nuclear Forces)

    • Treaty was signed to promise the elimination of all medium-range missiles in Europe
    • within three years
    • SU gave up 3000 war heads
    • USA gave up 800
    • nuclear disarment
  • Berlin Wall Falls

    • Presidents of USA and the Soviet Union held a meeting in the Mediterranean island of Malta
    • agreed that Cold war was over
    • break down of Berlin Wall
  • Cold War Officially Over