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Cold Mountain: Ada's journey to self-knowledge

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    Cold Mountain: Ada's journey to self-knowledge

  • Ada meets Inman.

    Ada meets Inman.
    Ada and her father move to Cold Mountain where she meets Inman.
  • Inman leaves for war.

    Inman leaves for war.
    Inman is leaving for war. Ada and Inman exchange pictures and a very passionate kiss.
  • Ada's father dies.

    Ada's father dies.
    Ada's father dies, leaving her alone and unequipped to prepare the farm for the winter. Ada finds that her father raised her more like a companion than a young woman.
  • Ada looks in the well.

    Ada looks in the well.
    While visiting the Swangers, Ada looks into a well to see her future. Ada sees a man walking through the snow with crows flying all around. She hopes that the man is Inman.
  • Ada meets Ruby.

    Ada meets Ruby.
    The Swangers notice Ada is struggling to maintain the farm so they send Ruby Thewes to help out.
  • Home Guard kills three Swangers.

    Home Guard kills three Swangers.
    Mr. Swanger is killed by the Home Guard for protecting his sons who are deserters. Home Guard tortures Mrs. Swanger and then leave her to die after finding and killing her two sons. Ruby and Ada make it to the Swangers house in time to save Mrs. Swanger.
  • Ada sells her piano.

    Ada sells her piano.
    Ada trades her much loved piano for food and other necessities.
  • Ada's bracelet

    Ada's bracelet
    Ada gives Ruby one of her bracelets showing their friendship.
  • Ada sees Inman.

    Ada sees Inman.
    Ruby and Ada go into the woods to find Ruby's father. Ada goes hunting and after shooting a bird, she sees Inman walking toawards her through the snow. At first she does not recognize him and threatens to shoot him. Once Inman begins walking away, Ada realizes it is Inman and she calls after him. Ada brings Inman back with her and they have sex.
  • Inman is killed.

    Inman is killed.
    After killing all but one Home Guard, Inman goes after Birch (the remaining Home Guard). Inman kills Birch but is shot in the process. Ada hears the gunshots and runs to Inman where he dies in her arms.
  • Ada has a child.

    Ada has a child.
    Ada became impregnated by Inman and gives birth to a baby girl.