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By BradB
  • Creation of Plankalkul

    Konrad Zuse created Plankalkul and it means "plan calculus" it is primarily used for its generalized graph.
  • Creation of Plankalkul

    Creator of this programming language: Konrad Zuse
    What is it used for?:generalized graph and math
    What do the Letters stand for: Plan Calculus
  • Creation of FORTRAN

    Creator of this programming language: John Backus
    What is it used for?: Formula Translation and Scientific Computing
    What do the Letters stand for: FORmula TRANslation
  • Creation of MATH-MATIC

    Creator of this programming language: Remington Rand
    What is it used for?: Math
    What do the Letters stand for: Mathematics
  • Creation of RPG

    Creator of this programming language: IBM
    What is it used for?: business
    What do the Letters stand for: Report Program Generator
  • Creation of COBOL

    Creator of this programming language: Grace Murray Hooper
    What is it used for?: Fiance and Business
    What do the Letters stand for: common business-oriented language
  • Creation of BASIC

    Creator of this programming language: John G. Kemeny
    What is it used for?: Instruction Code
    What do the Letters stand for: Basic
  • Creation of Lisp

    Creator of this programming language: John McCarthy
    What is it used for?: Math
    What do the Letters stand for: full list processing,
  • Creation of LOGO

    Creator of this programming language:Wally Feurzeig and Seymour Paper
    What is it used for?:Logo was designed to introduce children to programming
    What do the Letters stand for:LOGO comes from the Greek logos
  • Creation of B

    Creator of this programming language: Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie.
    What is it used for?: Non-Numeric Applications.
    What do the Letters stand for: BCPL
  • Creation of C

    Creator of this programming language: Dennis Ritchie
    What is it used for?:General purpose coding
    What do the Letters stand for: Its called c since it was formed from B
  • Creation of PASCAL

    Creator of this programming language: Niklaus Wirth
    What is it used for?: Data
    What do the Letters stand for Named for: Blaise Pascal
  • Creation of ML

    Creator of this programming language: Robin Milner
    What is it used for?: General purpose programming
    What do the Letters stand for: Meta Language
  • Creation of SQL

    Creator of this programming language:Donald D. Chamberlin and Raymond F. Boyce
    What is it used for?: Data
    What do the Letters stand for: Structured Query Language
  • Creation of ADA

    Creator of this programming language: Dr. Jean Ichbiah
    What is it used for?: US Government things
    What do the Letters stand for: Augusta Ada Lovelace
  • Creation of C++

    Creator of this programming language: Bjarne Stroustrup
    What is it used for?:General Programming
    What do the Letters stand for: C++ is named after C
  • Creation of Python

    Creator of this programming language:Guido van Rossum
    What is it used for?: General Programming
    What do the Letters stand for: Based off Monty pythons flying circus
  • Creation of Visual Basic

    Creator of this programming language: Alan Cooper
    What is it used for?: Visual Programming language
    What do the Letters stand for: N/A
  • Creation of PHP

    Creator of this programming language: Rasmus Lerdorf
    What is it used for?: server side scripting language.
    What do the Letters stand for: Hypertext Preprocessor
  • Creation of Javascript

    Creator of this programming language:Brendan Eich
    What is it used for?: Web Development
    What do the Letters stand for: N/A
  • Creation of Delphi

    Creator of this programming language: Anders Hejlsberg
    What is it used for?: General Programming
    What do the Letters stand for: N/A
  • Creation of JAVA

    Creator of this programming language: James Gosling
    What is it used for?: General Programming on 1 computer as well as on a network
    What do the Letters stand for: N/A