Coco Chen

  • 1415

    Prince Henry's Caper

    Prince Henry's goal was to "capture the main Muslim trading depot [in] Morocco" (22).
  • 1450

    The World's First Racist

    According to Kendi and Reynolds, "Zurara was the first person to write about and defend Black human ownership" (25).
  • 1526

    First Known African Racist

    Johannes Leo, also known Leo Africanus, "echoed Zurara's sentiments of Africans, his own people [and called them...] hypersexual savages" (26-7).
  • 1577

    Curse Theory

    In Chapter 2 of "Stamped," Reynolds explains that "English travel writer George Best determined [...] that Africans were, in fact, cursed" (30).
  • Jamestown's First Slaves

    A Latin American ship was seized by pirates and "twenty Angolans [on board were sold to] the governor of Virginia"(36).
  • Richard Mather's Arrival

    Richard Mather was a Puritan who came to America to practice a "more disciplined and rigid" (32) form of Christianity.
  • Cotton Mather is Born

    Look on pg. 46-47 for evidence.
  • "Voluntary" Slaves

    According to Richard Baxter, some "Africans [...] wanted to be slaves so that they could be baptized" (39).

  • "Voluntary" Slaves

    According to Richard Baxter, some "Africans [...] wanted to be slaves so that they could be baptized" (39).
  • Creation of White Privileges

    In response to Nathaniel Bacon's uprising, local government decided to give "all Whites [...] absolute power to abuse any African person" (45).
  • Creation of White Privileges

    In response to Nathaniel Bacon's uprising, local government decided to give "all Whites [...] absolute power to abuse any African person" (45).

  • First Antiracist Writing in the Colonies

    The Mennonites were against slavery because they "equat[ed]" (41) discrimination based on skin color to discrimination based on religion.
  • First Antiracist Writing in the Colonies

    The Mennonites were against slavery because they "equat[ed]"(41)discrimination based on skin color to discrimination based on religion.
  • American Philosophical Society(APS)

    Benjamin Franklin created "a club for smart (White) people" (57) to discuss ideas and philosophy.
  • The (American) Enlightenment

    In the mid-1700's, "new America entered what we now call the Enlightenment Era" (56).
  • Phyllis Wheatley's Test

    Wheatley "proved herself [as intelligent and] human" (60) by passing a test given by some of the smartest men in the country at the time.