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Closing the Frontier

  • Bureau of Indian Affairs

    Bureau of Indian Affairs
    An agency of the federal government of the US within the US Department of Interior. It's responsible for millions of acres of land specifically for American Indians, Indian Tribes, and Alaska Natives.
  • Sitting Bull

    Sitting Bull
    A Hunkpapa Lakota Native American tribe leader who lead his people during years of resistance to US government policies.
  • Chief Joseph

    Chief Joseph
    Also known as Joseph the Younger, he was a leader of a Native American tribe in the interior Pacific Northwest region of the US.
  • Homestead Act of 1862

    Homestead Act of 1862
    It was a government act passed that would give any adult citizen in the US who had never have weapons with means of using them against the government would be allowed to have 160 acres of US land.
  • Pacific Railroad Act of 1862

    Pacific Railroad Act of 1862
    Several acts of Congress that promoted the construction of the Transcontinental Railroad.
  • Morrill-Land Grant Act of 1862

    Morrill-Land Grant Act of 1862
    An act of the US Congress that provided grants of land to states in order to finance the establishment of colleges that would specialize in agriculture and the mechanic arts.
  • Sand Creek Massacre

    Sand Creek Massacre
    A massacre of the Cheyenne and Arapaho people by the US Army in the Colorado territory.
  • Medicine Lodge Treaty, Chief Satanta, 1867

    Medicine Lodge Treaty, Chief Satanta, 1867
    The overall name for the three treaties signed near Medicine Lodge, Kansas between the US government and the southern Plains Indians that was intended to bring peace by relocating the Indians to reservations.
  • Crazy Horse and Red Cloud, Fort Laramie Treaty in 1868

    Crazy Horse and Red Cloud, Fort Laramie Treaty in 1868
    Red Cloud (Mahpuia Luta), the chief of the Oglala Teton Dakota Sioux, signed the Fort Laramie Treaty with 24 other tribal leaders and the representatives of the US government. One of those representatives was Lieutenant General William Tecumseh Sherman.
  • Great Sioux War

    Great Sioux War
    Also known as the Black Hills War, it was a series of battles and negotiations between the Lakota Sioux, Northern Cheyenne, and the United States. The cause was the US government's desire to own the Black Hills.
  • Little Bighorn, 1876

    Little Bighorn, 1876
    An armed engagement between the combined forces of Lakota, Northern Cheyenne, and Arapaho Indians and the 7th Cavalry Regiment of the US Army. It's also known as Custer's Last Stand.
  • Exodusters

    These people were African Americans who migrated from states along the Mississippi River out to Kansas as a part of the Exoduster Movement.
  • Dawes Severalty Act of 1887

    Dawes Severalty Act of 1887
    An act the authorized the US President to break up tribal lands into by partitioning them into individual plots of land.
  • Ghost Dance

    Ghost Dance
    A dance done by Native American tribes that was believed to drive the white invaders away and out of their territory.
  • Massacre at Wounded Knee

    Massacre at Wounded Knee
    A domestic massacre of several hundred Lakotan Indians by the US Army. Almost half of the casualties were innocent women and children.