Nuclear Transfer
Nuclear transfer from genetically engineered cells -
First cloned mouse named Cumulina
Polly the sheep is created
President Bill Clinton against human cloning
Mammals cloned
mice and cows cloned by somatic cell nuclear transfer -
First cloned cow named Gene
First monkey is cloned
Named Tetra -
Britain first to grant patent for early-stage human embryo cloning
Dolly the sheep creators start cloning pigs
they clone pigs with hopes of human organ transplants -
Noah the ox was cloned
cloned but died two days later -
Endangered Animals cloned
endangered animals cloned by somatic cell nuclear transfer -
First human baby cloned-hoax
First cloned horse named Prometea
Cloned cat named Little Nicky
commercially cloned cat -
First cloned dog named Snuppy
Two cloned African wildcats breed naturally
First cloned water buffalo
Primate embryonic stem cells created
Primate embryonic stem cells created by somatic cell nuclear transfer -
Dogs cloned from famous sniffer dog
Snuppy becomes father
Snuppy becomes first successful clone to breed -
First cloned camel is born (Injaz)
First cloned Spanish Bull
Cloned Horse wins Argentina National Polo competition
Human embryonic cell created
Human embryonic cell created by somatic cell nuclear transfer -
China clones 500 pigs
china cloned 500 pigs in 2014 for medical testing -
Human cloning research began