Elected as president
Abolished Restrictions on Medical Research
As his first executive actions, President Clinton revoked the Gag Rule, which prohibited abortion counseling in clinics that receive federal funding to serve low-income patients. -
Helped States Take The First Steps Toward Welfare Reform
President Clinton ordered the Federal Government to make it easier for states to receive waivers from government regulations in order to implement innovative welfare reform projects. -
Family And Medical Leave Act
enabled millions of workers to take up to 12 weeks unpaid leave to care for a new baby or ailing family member without jeopardizing their job -
Childhood Immunizations
The President launched a major childhood immunization effort to increase the number of children who were being immunized -
Goals 2000 Education Standards Enacted
This legislation provided assistance to states to implement high standards and challenging curricula to help all children succeed. -
Head Start Reform And Creation Of Early Head Start
President Clinton and Vice President Gore advocated for legislation increasing Head Start participation and quality -
Called For National Campaign To Prevent Teen Pregnancy
In his State of the Union address, the President challenged Americans to join together in a national campaign against teen pregnancy -
National Campaign To Prevent Teen Pregnancy
Launched Youth Anti -Drug Media Campaign
The President unveiled his National Drug Control Strategy that set forth a long-term national effort to reduce illicit drug use and its consequences. -
Balanced Budget Agreement Reached
Child Care Initiative
The President successfully initiated an historic effort to improve child care for America’s working families. -
Good Friday Peace Accords Signed
Clarifying Over The Counter Drug Labels
The President unveiled a historic new FDA regulation that, for the first time, requires over-the-counter drug products to use a new product label with larger print and clearer language, making it easier for consumers to understand product warnings and comply with dosage guidance. -
Historic Smith & Wesson Agreement
Senior Citizen’s Freedom to Work Act Passed
In his January 1999 State of the Union Address the President stated that "we should eliminate the limits on what seniors on Social Security can earn." -
Passed $1.2 Billion for Emergency School Repairs
In the FY 2001 budget, President Clinton won passage of an historic $1.2 billion initiative for emergency school renovation -
Term Ended