
Clint Eastwood

By Lucas U
  • Date of Birth

    Date of Birth
  • Dirty Harry

    Dirty Harry
    Clint “Dirty Harry” Eastwood growling, “Make my day.” A full 25 percent of the prime-time shows in the 1992 fall season contained “very violent” material, according to the National Coalition on Television Violence (NCTV), a Champaign, Ill.-based monitoring and advocacy group (Clark). (Clark, C. S. (1993, March 26). TV violence. CQ Researcher, 3, 265-288. Retrieved from
  • Clint Eastwood speaks at the Republican National Convention

    Clint Eastwood speaks at the Republican National Convention
    Talks to invisible obama Perhaps even more troubling for Romney:Clint Eastwood's lecture to an empty chair drew three times the YouTube viewers as Romney's speech, as did the surreptitiously recorded video that shows Romney saying 47 percent of Americans don't “take personal responsibility” for their own lives (Price, T. (2012, October 12). Social media and politics. CQ Researcher, 22, 865-888. Retrieved from
  • American Sniper

    American Sniper
    American Sniper American Sniper (2014)-- Clint Eastwood's Best Picture nominee war drama about the real-life story of the late Navy SEAL Chris Kyle (played by Oscar nominee Bradley Cooper) went on to become the highest grossing film of 2014 (north of $350 million). Kyle's journey from the heartland to the front lines was spurred by a sense of duty and patriotism that started from the attacks of 9/11. This is, by far, the most high profil