20160629 132206

Classroom Tech intergration

By jtrimm
  • Teacher selection

    Find and observe 1 tech in each subject that is using tech in the room to improve classroom learning and lesson enhancement
  • Teacher development

    Tell the selected teacher (one or two departments only) that they are going to receive paid training to improve the use of technology in their rooms with wifi placed in their rooms and a computer for every kid in the room.
  • Teacher implementation

    Now that they have received the training and the technology is being installed, inform the teachers that they are now going to receive paid time to develop lesson for their classrooms and time with a one on one coach in their subject area to make this happen.
  • Teacher Modeling

    Now ask the teachers to share one of the lessons that they have developed with their departments and get feed back from them
  • Teacher reflect

    Have the teachers meet with their coaches and discuss the feed back and ways to improve the lesson that was presented. After the lesson is improved prepare to present again to their department
  • Teacher represent

    Teacher presents a new lesson with improvement that was suggested by department and request new feed back
  • Teacher lesson development

    Spend the rest of the semester developing lessons, sharing with department, and seeking feed back for lesson improvement from department, students and subject coach
  • Department inclusion

    Inform entire department that they will be receiving the same training as their peer and access to the coach they have been working with in the next school year. They will also be supplied with the same equipment for their classes as well. Ask the current teacher to upload all created lessons to a digital drive and to present at the training to assists their department.
  • Department Development

    Have entire department trained the week before and give them time to develop lessons for the tech in their classrooms. inform them they will be receiving time every two weeks to develop lessons and to work with the coach. That the coach will also be coming to their rooms to provide feed back for improvements.
  • Department Classroom Development

    Inform students that they are in a tech based class and that they will be asked from time to time to give their input on a lesson that they completed.
  • Data Collection

    Inform all departments and coaches involved that they will a monthly meeting to go over all data collected and looking for ways to improve the lessons based on student feed back. remind coaches they are expected to be in the room twice a week to help develop the lessons and drive data collection
  • Mid year review

    invite the new department teachers that will be developing lessons for their subjects to this meeting and introduce subject coaches. Go over data that has been developed and changes that have been made to improve tech use in the classroom.
  • Year End Review

    Departments share what is working what is not, Determine how much support they will need in the next year and what improvements to the tech they need. Ask departments that have been to the training to show up for the new departments in training to help.
  • New Departments development

    Should have at least two departments in this development cycle. New twist is that they will now have a second collaboration day every month where they cross subject share lesson and seek feedback to improve lessons.
  • Classroom Development 2

    Same as last year, except you will now be collecting data where students compare lesson delivery by department and suggest improvements
  • Mid year review 2

    Same data analysis as last year, except all remaining departments are invited to the meeting and informed they will be receiving tech improvements to their rooms. They will also be going through the training cycle in the next summer as well. Also appoint a tech guru in each department and continue cross department development meetings. continue to collect student data.
  • Year End Review 2

    All departments that have been through training should show up to help the new departments go through it. Review years data and suggested improvements for the next year. Inform Tech Gurus that they are to seek out something new over the summer to share with the departments that could improve a lesson.
  • Year start 2

    All staff has been trained, they are being provided time to develop lesson both as a department and across subjects. Subject coaching is place and should be helping other schools in the district develop their lessons. Student feed back should continue and be reviewed at every meeting with improvements shared at the mid year and end meetings. There should also be a one day workshop every summer from here on out.