Classroom Rules and Procedures

  • Day 1- Establish Rapport

    Day 1- Establish Rapport
    Establish rapport as basis for the introduction of classroom rules within four ethical standards: respect, trust, care and integrity. The teacher shows a slideshow of her life with emphasis on family and caring. She relates those attributes to how the class should treat each other. Teacher has an ice melting challenge in which the fastest wins. The teacher gives rules that must be followed to win the prizes. She states that in the class there must be a set of rules as well.
  • Day 2- Limiting Wandering Around

    Day 2- Limiting Wandering Around
    A lab will go on, in which, concerns about wandering are addressed as a rule. Wandering is to be limited due to safety concerns and breakage of artifacts around the room.
    If you need to move around the room, please raise your hand and wait for permission.
    For courtesy, the students will simply have to tell the teacher where they are going (e.g. washroom) and not have to ask. The teacher may have to extinguish unreasonable requests.
    No interruption in middle of explanation unless emergency.
  • Day 3- Co-constructed General Rules

    Day 3- Co-constructed General Rules
    Teacher will co construct rules with the class to give them a sense of ownership over their own behaviour and what they deem reasonable. The teacher may need to prompt so that the students arrive at certain 'must have' rules like respect when others are talking, refrain from cell phone use unless allowed, bullying of any sort unacceptable, inappropriate comments not welcomed, procedures for entering the classroom and class dismissal, getting attention, coming late, turning in assignments.
  • Day 4- Co-Created Consequences and Incentives

    Day 4- Co-Created Consequences and Incentives
    Everything we do in life has consequences. If you choose to run a red light you must accept the consequences that come with it (traffic ticket, taking someone’s life, crashing your car). The incentives & consequences will be co-created with the students with the teacher having the ones they want as back-up suggestions if the students do not reach the appropriate ones. Some rules & consequences will need to be added & revised at a later date. A chart will be created to track student’s behavior
  • Day 5- Parental Notification of Rules and Consequences

    Day 5- Parental Notification of Rules and Consequences
    A letter/email will be sent to parents notifying them of rules & guidelines created by teachers & students on how to have a successful learning environment. Explaining them that the rules are in acceptance of the students & the class went over them. Students understand that violation of these rules will result in appropriate consequence. If students show responsible behavior incentives will be rewarded. The rules will be clearly stated so the parents will know why if their child is reprimanded.