Classification system

  • 322 BCE


    Was the first to introduced the classification of oranisms by type and binomial definition and was the first to attempt to classify all the kinds of animals by similarities.
  • Andrea Cesalpino

    Andrea Cesalpino
    Began classifying plants on the basis of the structure of their fruits and seeds
  • Light microscope

    Light microscope
    Led to the discovery of cells and the realisation that organisms should be categorised according to similar cells
  • Gaspard Bauhin

    Gaspard Bauhin
    Described six thousand species and gave them names based on their "natural affinities," grouping them into genus and species.
  • John Ray

    John Ray
    Became the first person to divide flowering plants into monocots and dicots.
  • Augustus Rivinus

    Augustus Rivinus
    Introduced the taxon of 'order'
  • Joseph Pitton de Tournefort

    Joseph Pitton de Tournefort
    Introduced the taxons of 'class' and 'species'
  • Carl Linnaeus

    Carl Linnaeus
    Created the overall framework of classification that organized all plants and animals from the level of kingdoms all the way down to specids.
  • Phase contrast microscope

    Phase contrast microscope
    This enabled the study and observation of living organisms without destroying them and allowing their characteristics, movements and structure to be observed.
  • Ernst Haeckel

    Ernst Haeckel
    Created 3 Kingdom Classification system consisting of Animalia, Plantae and Protista.
  • Carbon-14 Dating

    Carbon-14 Dating
    This uses the rate of decay of Carbon to estimate the age of young fossils.
  • DNA

    The DNA is used to identify differences and similarities between organisms and therefore classify the species on similarities of cells rather then basic structure.
  • Electron microscope

    Electron microscope
    Discovered a separate multi-cellular Eukaryotic kingdom.
  • Robert Whittaker

    Robert Whittaker
    Created 5 kingdoms classification system: Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Prostista and Monera.
  • Carl Woese

    Carl Woese
    Created 3 domain classification system: Bacteria, Archaea and Eukaryota.