1000 BCE
Beginning of Classic Period
at the beginning of 1000BCE, it is believed that trade from Egypt and Mesopotamia had seen some decline. This could be due to Egypt become virtually bankrupt by 1000BC. In addition Mesopotamia was fighting off the Assyrians during this point in history. -
563 BCE
The creation of Buddhism began and slow made its way into other cultures along the coasts of the Indian Ocean -
550 BCE
Achaemenid Empire
Receiving orders from the Persian ruler Darius I, Greek and Roman soldiers and tradesman entered the Indian Ocean. Additional Persian jewelry made its way into the Mauryan way of life -
326 BCE
Alexander the Great
Not only was he a conqueror but Alexander the Great was also fascinated in the idea of sailing the Indian Ocean to see if the ocean was an inland sea or if it lead to large bodies of water. He also used the ocean to aid him in his conquest over conquering other nations. In addition, this gave rise to Roman coinage being used with int Indian treasuries -
202 BCE
Han Dynasty
Chinese culture and silks made it way through trade routes and made its mark in Indian records of trade, as well as being used amoung Roman aristocrats. -
27 BCE
Roman Empire
With the creation of the Roman Empire under Augustus trade between Roman and other nations, like Indian for instance, greatly increased. The addition of spice from India was most valuable in Roman society. -
End of Classic Era
With the great expansion of different religions throughout the nations surrounding the Indian Ocean, for instance Christianity, Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism, this marks the end of the Classic Era.