Classical Period

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    French composer who wrote in Rococo style
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    French composer and theorist; began modern ideas of music theory
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    Successful female violinist
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    Court poet in Vienna; most important author of librettos in 18th cen
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    German composer of Italian operas; 1730s-1760s most admired composer of Opera Seria
  • 18th Cen. Forms

    Rondo, Minuet and Trio, Rounded Binary, Scherzo,
    Many were cyclical in nature and structure
  • Piano Invented

    Pianoforte invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori in Florence; first pattened piano was London 1777
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    Galant Italian composer; inventor of symphony
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    Famous castrati in 18th cen
  • Comic Opera

    More popular, comedic form of opera that at first featured mainly slapstick comedy
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    Italian composer and instrumentalist, helped develop comic opera
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    Italian playwright/librettist, helped elevate opera buffa to art form
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    German composer, teacher, and singer who helped invent the string quartet
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    Bohemian violinist, teacher, composer
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    Famous castrato
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    W.F. Bach

    German composer and son of J.S. Bach
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    Italian composer, singer, and harpsichordist; developed broken-chord bassline (Alberti Bass)
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    Composer Mozart met in Mannheim
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    Frederick the Great

    King of Prussia who greatly supported the arts and music; employed CPE Bach
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    Haydn's employer
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    Italian composer who helped opera reforms; was respected by Mozart
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    Carl Philipp Emanuel Bach

    Eldest son of J. S. Bach, wrote both Baroque and Classical styles; Empfindsamkeit style
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    German opera-reform composer considered Baroque; new balance between music and drama
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    Austrian composer who wrote in Baroque and galant styles
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    Galant, symphonic innovator in Mannheim; helped establish symphonic genre
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    Leopold Mozart

    Composer and teacher; father of Wolfgang Mozart (the super famous one)
  • Sonata Form

    Extremely popular style; Exposition, Development; Recapitulation. All 1st movements of symphonies follow this format
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    Bohemian composer, helped compose church and stage music
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    German composer who he and J. C. Bach set up a famous series
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    Italian teacher and composer; keyboard works are transitional from harpsichord to piano
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    Organist, composer, writer, and scholar who was a music historian
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    Naples opera composer
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    Italian composer; central to Italian and French opera from 1750-1800
  • Classical Music Traits

    Singable melodies, symmetrical phrasing, easier harmonies, slow harmonic rhythms, and accompaniments figures
  • Libretto/Libretti

    The written story of opera that composers would set to music
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    Italian composer who was admired by Burney; serious operas most respected
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    Rococo Style

    French word meaning "scroll"
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    Composer Mozart met in Mannheim
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    Credited as primary mover w/in new classical style, master of String Quartets. Very popular
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    J. C. Bach

    Song of J. S. Bach and friend/influence to Mozart; set concert series in London w/ Abel
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    Influenced Mozart; simulated orchestra effects in Harpsichord writing
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    Czech composer and teacher; active in Vienna and important to instrumental music
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    Austrian composer and violinist part of Viennese school
  • The Symphony

    Three~Four movement long works, first movement usually a sonata. Very popular
  • Theme and Variation

    Style where a theme is presented then variations on the theme played after
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    Italian composer/teacher; opera composers
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    One of the first American composers who was self taught
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    Famous librettist who Mozart worked with
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    Opera composer
  • String Quartet

    Very popular and prestigious chamber style of music; two violins, viola, and cello. Haydn excelled at composing it. Invented by Richter
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    Italian composer/teacher; functioned as transitional figure from galant and classic end then also classic to romantic
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    Nannerl Mozart

    Wolfgang's sister, considered better prodigy but chose to raise family instead. Wolfgang still sent all material to her to check
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    German composer and writer
  • Empfindsamkeit

    Reaction against strict style of counterpoint; natural style. Composed by C.P.E. Bach
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    Spanish composer who wrote Italian opera
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    Most important violinist after Tartini
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    Austrian composer and child prodigy who wrote all genres and innovated opera; everything started to sound like him
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    Successful female composer who was blind
  • Concerto

    Genre that was usually solo piano or solo instrument and piano
    Fast, slow, faster with cadenzas
  • Opera Buffa

    Evolved from Comic Operas, featuring more realistic characters and serious topics
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    Industrial Revolution

    Mass production babyy
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    Invented the keyed trumpet and first performed Haydn's trumpet concerto in E-flat major
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    American Revolution

    We hate the British and current politics
  • Chamber Sonatas

    Composed for solo instrument or solo instrument and piano; harpsichord diminished in popularity once piano emerged
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    French Revolution

    So many beheadings
  • Keyed Trumpet invented

    Invented bt Weidinger for Haydn's trumpet concerto in E-flat Major; was outshown a few years later by valve trumpet
  • Valved trumpet invented