Classical Liberalism Timeline

By dewan.g
  • 500 BCE

    Ancient Greek Democracy

    Ancient Greek Democracy
    Demokratia, which translates to "rule by the people" was a system of political reform that took place around 500 BC. The system stated that all male citizens were ensured equal freedoms and political rights. They were given the opportunity to participate in their government and take part in decision making. Although this system was only momentary, to this day it has influenced many modern governments.
  • 1215

    Magna Carta

    Magna Carta
    The Magna Carta was signed in 1215 in Great Britain, and it was one of the first documents which limited the authority of Kings. It assisted in establishing basic rights for all citizens. It also helped develop the rule of law, which is one of the major factors of Liberalism. It was one of the first symbols of democracy and freedom and helped put in place many legal systems and democracies throughout the world.
  • 1400


    Society was "reborn" during this time as there were major changes that were brought forth. At the time, there were individuals who put strong belief in people being reasonable, and that everyone should be treated with the utmost respect and dignity. They felt that people should be able to choose their own paths in life rather than having a greater force dictate it. This period helped establish liberalism as an ideology by supporting the principles of personal rights and freedoms.
  • Reformation

    Martin Luther, a German pastor started this movement. Luther and other individuals with similar beliefs felt that the church possessed too much power and had slowly been turning corrupt. This eventually led to the Roman Catholic church being restructured and refined. It was also influenced heavily by humanism. This movement involved many of the key principles of Liberalism and as a result promoted to the creation of it.
  • The Enlightenment

    The Enlightenment
    During this period of time, European philosophers had strong beliefs in the reformation and renaissance and strived to promote it's ideas. The ideas which regarded of human nature led to the development of classical liberalism which eventually transformed into our modern liberal democracies.
  • Industrial Revolution

    Industrial Revolution
    The Industrial Revolution was the transition Britain made from being a mercantile and agricultural society to a modern, industrial one. Great improvements and advancements were made in technology, and with the addition of the enclosure acts, many people experienced great wealth. Unfortunately there were also people who experienced an increase in poverty. The self interest and competition for wealth also supported the transition to classical liberalism and eventually democracy.
  • Haudenosaunee Confederacy

    Haudenosaunee Confederacy
    During this time, six nations finally united after many years of war and fighting to establish an oral constitution. The three key principles of this body of fundamentals were:
    1. Participation was equal among all citizens, men and women.
    2. It brought forth the establishment of freedom of speech, individual rights, and religion.
    3. Formal agreement on the distribution of power among the various subsections of their new government.
  • American Revolution

    American Revolution
    The American Revolution was primarily influenced by the ideas of Enlightenment. Colonists made the Declaration of Independence, which declared independence from Great Britain. A republican form of government was put in place. The authority to rule came from the people which eventually became the liberal democracy now. During the time, the factors of classical liberalism were being followed.
  • French Revolution

    French Revolution
    This was one of the most significant events in history where the French people due to their increasing frustration with the unfairness of their class system and the growing poverty finally fought for their equality rights. The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen were approved on August 26, 1789. This conveys how the principles of Liberalism greatly impacted the French society and the democracy which is set in place today.
  • Changes to Class System

    Changes to Class System
    A class structure began based on wealth developed during this period of time. Before this time, class structure was based off of what an individual is born into and remains in. The new class system that was put into place allowed the citizens to increase their wealth and advance to a higher class if they are able to do so. The new class system promoted the right to own private property and economic freedom. These changes are still existent in our democracies today.