world war 1 started
the war started and the Canadian soldiers went to battle. the nurses went to help with the war. -
The need
the need for women to work was overwhelming because the men were away at war women we all left along with the children so the women started to work at the factories -
in 1916 the parliament hill caught on fire sadly it killed 5 people and destroyed the place -
Spanish flu
These were the two years where there was more chaos with the end of the war began a new kind of war the war of fighting off sickness. -
in 1918 women were finally allowed to vote for who they wanted to be the new prime minister of Canada. -
world war 1 ended
finally, the world war ended sadly many died for a childish cause but it had finally ended the soldiers started to come back -
this is where women wanted to be themselves so they started dressing up in hats and shorter dresses without belts and no corsets. they cut their hair short. they are now known as flappers -
in the early 1920s along with the flappers, there was A kind of music that just became more popular its name was jazz it was more happy and upbeat. it wasn't like classical music. -
the discovery
the discovery of insulin was already a thing be the discovery of insulin for medical use was new in the 1900s the guys who found the use of insulin were named John MacLeod, Frederick.G, and Charles. best -
the great
the great depression was awful there was a shortage of food and the economic position was at its worst in Canadian history