Period: to
Reform in Education based on Race Class, etc.
Brown vs. Board of Education
School Segregation is unconstitutional -
Boycott for de-segregation
Little Rock Nine
New Curricula with additional resource material
Ruby Bridges goes to school
Civil Rights Act
Clash in Ocean Hill-Brownsville Area of NYC
African american parents and white teachers clash over the issue of community control of the schools. Teachers go on strike and the community organizes freedom schools while the public schools are closed. -
Miliken vs. Bradley
School may not be desegregated across school districts. Legally segragates students of color in ineer-city districts from white students in wealthier white suburban districts. -
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Free education for all students with disabilities -
Seek alternate forms of education
As a result of Reagan's reformation, many parents seek aternate forms of education for their students such as charter or private schools. -
Emphasis on cultural literacy
A Nation at Risk
Conservatives call for increase in rigor in the classroom, longer school years and more difficult standards. -
Integration is at an all time high
45% of black student are attending majority white schools. -
States seek Outcome-Based Education
standards-based National Education Goals
Prop 187
Illegal for children of undocumented immigrants to attend public school -
Outlaw of bilingual education
No Child Left Behind