Period: to
Social Studies Class Activity 13 Colonies
The english people started founding of Georgia -
expand trade, found by John Smith -
The colony was running away from religon. It was founded by John Carver, William Bradford, John Winthrop -
New Hampshire
This colony profited from trading fish and the founders are Ferdinando Gorges, John Manson -
New York
Expand Trade Routes and what to trade founded by Dutch Settlers -
Plymoth Mass.Bay Colony
Religious freedom founded by John Carver, William BradFord, John Winthrop -
profit from selling land, religious freedom. found by George Calvert. -
Rhode Island
Religious Freedom found by Roger Williams -
Profit from fur trade, farming, religious, and political freedom. Found by Thomas Hooker -
Expand Trade Founded Swedish Settlers -
North Carolina
profit from tradeand selling land. found by group of eight aristocrats -
South Carolina
Profit from trade and selling land Group of eight aristocrats -
New Jersey
Profit from selling land founded by John Berkeley and George Carteret -
profit from selling land; religious freedom. found by William Penny -
religious freedom, protection agaisnt Spanish Florida; safe home for debtors. Found by James Oglethorpe