
Clark Odyssey

By nailahc
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War Pt.2

    Trojan War Pt.2
    The Trojan War had an impact on Odysseus and influenced his character development as a leader. Throughout the story, his crew grows to respect him for saving his men from Cyclops and rescuing them from Circe. Odysseus has made numerous sacrifices for the sake of his crew's safety.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus-Eaters Pt.1

    Lotus-Eaters Pt.1
    Being in the land of the Lotus-Eaters, Odysseus had to restrain his men and himself from extreme desires. While his men get tied up with the Lotus-Eaters exploring the island, they soon find out the Lotus-Eaters encourage people to eat their lotus plant. This results in whoever eats the plant forgetting about wanting to go home and would rather stay on the island. This leads to Odysseus having to force and trap his men back onto the ship so they can escape the island.
  • 1200 BCE

    Lotus-Eaters Pt.2

    Lotus-Eaters Pt.2
    Odysseus learns that even though something may be good at the moment, it has the potential to be dangerous. In this case, having Odysseus' men eat the lotus fruit made Odysseus realize that maybe he cannot trust his men and will have to keep watch of them. Odysseus is taking better leadership than he was in previous journeys and gained better critical thinking skills and has improved in resolving conflict.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops Pt.1

    Cyclops Pt.1
    After bringing his men back onto the ship from the land of the Lotus-Eaters, they sail to the land of the Cyclops. They initially decided to steal food and flee but due to their physical well-being, they stayed for a while. Due to them lingering around the Cyclops Polyphemus returns and at first shows them great hospitality. However, he soon becomes aggressive towards them, consuming two of Odysseus' men and trapping him.
  • 1200 BCE

    Trojan War Pt.1

    Trojan War Pt.1
    Throughout Odysseus' journey in the Trojan War, his qualities of bravery and skill were apparent. The land of the Lotus-Eaters was his first location. Here he meets Cyclops and is able to escape his cave. Meanwhile, Circe turned his crew into hogs, so as a worthy captain, he saved his companions. He then goes into the Land of Departed Spirits where he encounters the Sirens, Scylla, and the Cattle of the Sun.
  • 1200 BCE

    Cyclops Pt.2

    Cyclops Pt.2
    Odysseus learned how him and his crew's curiosity can be risky. He lost two of his members just because they were curious as to what other things were included on the island. Odysseus will know that later on in different journeys that he must have self-control over his and his crew's actions. As well as to never think too highly of yourself and let your ego become too big which led to Odysseus' impulsiveness and the death of his two member.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens Pt.2

    Sirens Pt.2
    Odysseus was extremely impulsive when it came to the Sirens. He knew what danger they brought and still decided to risk himself and his crew's life. However, you can tell his crew is beginning to trust him more as they listened without any obligations. Despite how horribly wrong that journey could have gone, Odysseus still was able to manage the ship to safety.
  • 1200 BCE

    Sirens Pt.1

    Sirens Pt.1
    When Circe suggests the easiest way for Odysseus to get home, she warns him about the Sirens. The Sirens' goal is to lure men to death with their beautiful singing voices. When they arrive on their island, Odysseus suggests his crew members put earwax in their ears and tie him to the ship so he could not lure his ship into death. Odysseus decides to leave his ears unplugged so he could hear the secrets in the future. Though he struggles against the rope, Odysseus and his crew pass safely.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus-Bag of Wind Pt.2

    Aeolus-Bag of Wind Pt.2
    Odysseus' crew disregarding the instructions of opening the bag in the first place, goes to show how they do not respect him. Even though they were curious to see if Aeolus gave him gold, they should've trusted and valued Odysseus enough to not invade his privacy. Although Odysseus is able to get them out of difficult situations, they seem to not care. Odysseus needs to focus on managing his crew because he needs to be able to trust them and give them tasks during their journeys.
  • 1200 BCE

    Aeolus-Bag of Wind Pt.1

    Aeolus-Bag of Wind Pt.1
    While it was time for Odysseus and his crew to go home, he asks Aeolus for help. Aeolus gave him a bag of wind to assist guiding their ship and sealed it extremely tight therefore nothing could escape. Aeolus gave him instructions as to not open the bag of winds until he reached home. Unfortunately, his crew disobeyed and released the winds while Odysseus was sleeping. These winds sailed the ship all the way back to Aeolia where Aeolus refused to help him again.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe Pt.2

    Circe Pt.2
    Odysseus showed his loyalty to his group throughout this journey. When Circe turned his crew mates into pigs, he risked sleeping with her even though he had a wife so Circe would turn them back to humans. Including when Circe offered him food he wouldn’t even touch it when she insisted he try some. Odysseus could have left his team and continued on his adventures by himself, even when his team showed him dishonesty, but he stayed and saved them once again.
  • 1200 BCE

    Circe Pt.1

    Circe Pt.1
    Odysseus and his crew travel to Circe's island after opening the bag of winds. She turns his crewmates into pigs and tricks him into sleeping with her in exchange for them to become humans again. From there on he stays there with Circe for about a year before he wants to return to his wife, Penelope. Circe tells him in order to return to Ithaca he would have to travel through the underworld and consult with Tiresias.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis Pt.1

    Scylla and Charybdis Pt.1
    After passing through Sirens' island, Odysseus and his crew take a route where they face Scylla and Charybdis. Scylla is a six-headed monster who eats men and Charybdis is a sea monster who sucks in water and shoots it back out in order to sink ships. Scylla proceeds to swallow six of his best men and Odysseus following Circe's instructions, flees as quickly as possible, avoiding Charybdis.
  • 1200 BCE

    Scylla and Charybdis Pt.2

    Scylla and Charybdis Pt.2
    Extreme leadership and self-control were demonstrated by Odysseus in this journey. When Scylla ate his men, he restrained himself from fighting her to not make things worse. He realized that fighting her would only result in him losing more men. As well as taking initiation to completely keep away from Charybdis.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios’ cattle Pt.1

    Helios’ cattle Pt.1
    They've reached the Island of the Sun next to rest. Odysseus knew that his team could be sneaky, so he made them promise to not eat any cattle. Though, this did not work out because they got stuck on the island for a month and began to starve. While Odysseus was sleeping once, Eurylochus persuaded the men to eat the Cattle of the Sun. Once Helios found out he asked Zeus to punish them. This led him into sending a storm down on the ship once they left the island, killing everyone but Odysseus.
  • 1200 BCE

    Helios’ cattle Pt.2

    Helios’ cattle Pt.2
    Odysseus' crew again disobeyed his rules. Even though they were peer-pressured by Eurylochus, they should have had enough self-control to remain trustworthy of Odysseus. Odysseus' crew should have realized that there would be consequences for eating Helios' cattle and that their lives were more valuable than risking it. They do not have any respect for the gods or Odysseus and now Odysseus must live with the fact his crew members are no longer alive.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suiters/Home Pt.2

    Suiters/Home Pt.2
    Since Odysseus was gone all those years, Penelope was left alone. Even being surrounded by all of her suitors she did not once decide to risk her relationship between her and Odysseus. Odysseus, on the other hand, acted as if he didn’t have wife at all during his journeys. He completely disregarded her and continued to sleep with Circe. The loyalty between their relationship is unmatched.
  • 1200 BCE

    Suiters/Home Pt.1

    Suiters/Home Pt.1
    Once Odysseus arrived home, he was greeted with Penelope holding a contest against who can string Odysseus’ bow. Since he was gone for so long he must prove his identity to the others and reveals his scar to Eumaeus and Philoetius.This includes him being the only one able to string the bow through all twelve axes. As well as Penelope wanting more approval that it was really Odysseus. She had him try and move the bed knowing it was unmovable, but only him and Penelope knew that.