practice farming in the yellow river or huang river the family is the most important -
Aug 21, 1200
the phoenicians are ubicate in arabia he practice the trades because dont have rivers -
practice the politheism amd the farming and the trades in the rivers -
practice the farming in the rivers dont have empires have judaism -
science mesopotamia
invented the calculate -
cultura israel
have the war of the sinai -
rivers of egypt
nile -
economic egypt
farming -
economis israel
farming -
culture israel
inventade a new language -
sea israel
sea black -
mesopotamia has the rivers tigris and euprates has 4 empires is ubicate in asia . -
the wealth brought fertile silt behind the annual flooding of the Nile River, together with the absence of powerful people by their isolation, because the Nile Valley is located between two large desert areas, allowed the development of an early and most dazzling civilizations in the history of mankind. -
mesopotamia culture
the mesopotamians have a beautiful cultura -
mesopotamia empires
the akkadian empire