The use of the robe on the toga became widespread, and there were various types of robe Laticlavae, less adjusted and longer.
The vesta or distincta or talaris, to the feet.
La Manicata, with hoses.
La Fimbriata, with hoses and ornaments or bands.
Les Picta and Palmata, surely decorated with vegetables.
The Dalmatians, which appeared with the Emperor Commode, which was broad and down the knees and wide hips to the wrists. Its use became general. -
The social visits
The social visits consumed part of the time of the Romans: the natalies, the condolences, the visits to the patients, attendance to processes and other acts public, etc. The subjects that occupied all their time in these acts got to constitute a true chaste one in Rome but they did not proliferate in the other cities. The dedication to capture an inheritance was also running -
Roman gastronomy is the gastronomy typical of the Roman Empire in the Ancient Age. Like other parts of its culture, Roman gastronomy was deeply influenced by Greek customs, as well as by the political changes over the thirteen centuries that it lasted and by the expansion of the Empire. ,A whole civilization like the Roman: they did not eat the same or the same way a citizen of Emerita Augusta that an Alexandrine -
Public toilets
Public toilets were not just for bathing, they had services such as libraries, sports areas and art galleries. The Roman baths (from the Latin thermae) were public buildings with benefits that today we would say sanitary hygiene. They are the forerunners of the modern houses of baths, saunas and thermal spas and represented one of the main places to meet in ancient Rome, that is, they were a place of leisure and sociability for Roman society, basically patricia (patricii) -
Roman Empire
With the defeat of his enemies, August took absolute power, retaining only one image of the republican form of government. His appointed successor, Tiberius, took power without war or blood, establishing a dynasty that would end with the death of Nero in 68 AD -
Religion was first polytheistic, in some cases there were influences from Eastern religions such as the cult of Mitra. Religion in ancient Rome was of great importance, which did not prevent him from assuming and adapting beliefs and rituals of other peoples. The Roman primitive Gods were in fact manifestations of the divine will; they did not have artistic representations and they received the name of numina. Later, with the contact with other Italic peoples -
Fall of the Roman Empire
Towards century IV, Rome continued dominating an extensive empire, that had like shaft the Mediterranean Sea. The Roman civilization extended from the Rhine and the Danube to the Sahara,
The army still remained strong, although the enlistment of Germans was increasingly frequent, which even held high command positions. Aside from this situation, already in serious, a strong threat besieged Rome. It was about the pressure that the Germanic peoples did on their "limes" or borders. -
The Roman Republic was establishedin 509 BC, estabishing a system of elected magistrates annually. The most important were the two consols, which exercised the executive authority called imperium and the military command. However, the consuls had to contend with the Senate, originally a council of the nobility, which would grow in size and power over time. -
Ancient Rome
In ancient Rome, the most important place where horse racing was held was the Maximum Circus, located between the Palatine Hill and the Aventí Hill, which could house an audience of 250,000 people. [16] This circus probably dates from the Etruscan era, although around the year 50 BC it was reconstructed by Julius Caesar having approximately a length of 600 m and a width of 225 m. -
Roman culture
Roman culture was the result of an important exchange between different civilizations: Greek culture and cultures developed in the East (Mesopotamia and Egypt, above all) contributed to the formation of the culture and art of the Romans. One of the vehicles that contributed most to the universalization of Roman culture, which was soon the one of the entire empire, was the use of Latin as a common language of all the peoples under Rome