Missouri Compromise
The Missouri Compromise was passed in 1820, it was a compromise between slave states. The compromise prohibited the Louisiana Territory which was land north of 36 30 longitude line. Three years after the MIssouri Compromise was passed, it was ruled unconstitutional. -
The Whig Party is formed
In 1834, the Whig Party was formed. The Whig Party was an idea that favored a weak president and strong congress. Since the Whigs couldnt find a leader, they picked four men to run against on of the candidates for Vice President, Martin Van Buren. Unfortunately, Martin Van Buren won the election. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin
Uncle Tom's Cabin was a book about the slave's life and how awful it was. The book was basically explaining the cruelty and excruciationg work that the slaves had to go through. Uncle Tom's Cabin made people thorughout the states realize what the slaves were going through and they realized that it was wrong. -
Dred Scott
Dred Scott was an African American slave who made history by launching a battle to gain his freedom. In one of his cases, Scott vs. Stanford, it involved slave states and non-slave states debates. He won some lower cases, adn eventually out of a lot of cases, it helped the Civil War start. -
Lincooln Elected as President
In 1860, when Lincoln was elected President, people throughout the states had different opinions about him. The people in teh Soutoh were worried that with him being President, their way of life would be ruined without slavery. Since Lincoln did not want to change the slavery in the South, almost right after Lincoln was elected the people in they considered a secession. -
Fort Sumter Attacked
During the Civil War there were lots of battles, one of the was teh attack on Fort Sumter. The attack on Fort Sumter was the first battle in the Civil War, eventually on April 13th, Anderson surrendered the fort. Surprisingly enough, no soldiers were killed in this battle. -
1st Battle of Bull Run
The 1st Battle of Bull Run was important becuase it crashed the North;s hopes of winning the war quickly. The 1st Battle of Bull Run was also one of the first major battles in the Civil War. By July 22, the worn out Union made it back to safety in Washingotn. The 1st Battle of Bull Run also made Lincoln realize that the Civil War was going to be very long. -
2nd Battle of Bull Run
The 2nd Battle of Bull Run was important because it basically teh deciding factor between the North and the South. After a long time of fighting and many losses, when James Longstreet launched a counterattack, it forced Pope to withdraw. -
Emancipation Proclomation
In 1863, the Emancipation Proclomation was issued to try to end slavery. Although the Emancipation Proclomation did not end slavery, it opened the eyes of many poeple throughout the states. One of the important things about the Emancipation Proclomation was that it allowed the African Americans, slaves or not, to fight in the army. -
Enrollment Act
During the Civil War, the Union and Confederacy instituted the first federal military draft in American history. It was known as the Enrollment Act. The Enrollment Act was signed on March 3, 1863 by President Lincoln. -
Battle of Gettysburg
On July 1st, the Battle of Gettysburg began. During the Battle of Gettysburg there were many troops involved and many defeated. At one point, teh Confederates surrounded the Union with about 70,000 soldiers. When Lee reacted the fighting was crazy. Eventually, Lee led his army to retreat. -
Lee Surrenders
In Appomattox, Virginia, Robert E. Lee Surrenders with his 28,000 troops to Union General Ulysses S. Grant. When they were on their way to Virginia to surrender, they had 6,000 people taken as prisoners. When Lee surrendered he said, "The war is over. The Rebels are our countrymen again."