Civil War Timeline

By johndoe
  • Oregon Trail

    The Oregon Trail was established by traders and fur trappers from 1811-1840. The first people to use it were Lewis and Clark.
  • Missouri Compromise

    Congress passed a bill that allows Missouri to own slaves, but forbids slavery north of 36°30 and admits Maine as a free state. This is when James Monroe was president.
  • Santa Fe Trail

    The Santa Fe trail was america's first commercial highway, which boosted economy and trade with new mexico which prompted americans to settle there.
  • San Felipe de Austin

    This is a headquarters established by Stephen Austin for his colony. It was made possible by traveling the santa fe trail.
  • Mexico Abolishes Slavery

    Mexico abolished slavery in 1829 which contributed to the growing tensions between the settlers and the mexican governors who didn't agree with slavery.
  • Abolition

    The movement to end slavery in the US.
  • Underground Railroad

    The underground railroad was a network of people aiding and giving shelter to runaway slaves from the south. It was started by Harriet Tubman.
  • Harriet Tubman

    Harriet Tubman was an escaped slave from the south who was a major part of the underground railroad
  • The Liberator

    The liberator was a newspaper written by an abolitionist supporting the anti-slavery cause.
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Nat Turner's rebellion, also known as the southampton insurrection, was a slave rebellion that took place in southampton country, virginia. Rebel slaves killed between 55-60 people, at least 51 of which were white.
  • Stephen F Austin imprisoned

    Believing that he was trying to incite rebellion and make Texas an independent state, Mexico imprisoned him on January 1834.
  • Manifest Destiny

    The belief that americans were destined by God to govern the North American continent. This belief in settlers caused them to expand further west. The word was conceived in 1845
  • Texas enters the Union

    On December 29, 1845, Texas entered the Union as a slave state, furthering the tensions between mexicans and the settlers.
  • Mexican-american war

    On April 25 1846, the Mexican-american war started. President James K. Polk sent troops to Mexico, which caused Mexican forces to attack an american post, killing 12 and holding over 50 hostage.
  • The North Star

    The north star is an abolitionist newspaper published in 1847 by Frederick Douglas and ended up becoming the most influential black antislavery newspaper of its time.
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    Treaty signing the end of the Mexican-american war, giving up all claims to texas in exchange for 15 million from the US.
  • Compromise of 1850

    The compromise of 1850 is a group of five separate bills passed by congress in an effort to diffuse tensions between pro-slavery and free states regarding the territory acquired from the mexican-american war.
  • fugitive Slave act

    The fugitive slave act was a law that allowed and encouraged slaveowners and police to help catch runaway slaves.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin is an anti-slavery novel that helped change people's views of slavery, written by Harriet Beecher Stowe.
  • The Kansas-nebrasks Act

    The kansas nebraska act was an act passed by US congress in May 30, 1854 which allowed people living in Kansas and Nebraska to choose the status of the stated, resulting in many conflict .
  • Dread Scott vs Stanford

    Dread Scott was a black slave who sued for his freedom when his master brought him to a free state. Supreme court ruled that because he is a slave he is his owner's possession, and couldn't have an opinion in court.
  • Lincoln and Douglass debates

    The lincoln douglass debates were a series of debates largely about the issue of extending slavery into the new territories. Lincoln believed that slaves deserved equal right as citizens, while douglass wanted to continue slavery in the new lands. Douglass won the debate.
  • John browns raid/Harpers Ferry

    A raid by black slaves on Harpers ferry started by abolitionist John Brown
  • Abraham Lincoln becomes president

    On November 6, 1860 Lincoln got elected with popularity vote and electoral vote. He believed in equal rights of slaves.
  • Formation of the Conferderacy

    The southern states secede from the US and fight US on land. They call their new country the confederacy, ruled by Jefferson Davis.
  • Attack in fort sunter

    This battle was the start of the civil war, when an enemy soldiers becomes angry near the end,
  • Emacipation Proclamation

    Official law indicating all slaves be freed.
  • Battle at Vicksburg

    The final battle of the civil war, where the union defeated the confederates in Vicksburg.
  • Battle At Gettysburg

    Republicans won this turning point of battle against the south. This battle was considered the highest kill count battle.
  • Gettysburg address

    A speech delivered by president Lincoln.
  • Sherman’s March

    General Sherman and his army march towards the sea while destroying property and land to weaken souths forces, eventually making them surrender.
  • Thirteenth amendment

    Law passed by Congress that abolished slavery and involuntary servitude
  • Surrender at Apottomax court house

    General Robert e lee surrenders his army to the union in Virginia.
  • Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Lincoln is killer in an assassination attempt by confederate John Wilkes Booth at a theatre, for his beliefs and political stance.
  • Battle at bull run

  • Battle in Antietam

    This was a war fought between republicans and the republican.