Civil War Timeline

By Kayl33H
  • Lincoln wins election of 1860

    Lincoln wins election of 1860
    Lincoln Wins election despite not even being on ballot in many southern states.
  • Attack on Fort Sumpter

    Attack on Fort Sumpter
    this battle marks the beginning of the Civil War
  • Battle of Bull Run/ Manassas

    Battle of Bull Run/ Manassas
    this was the 1st major battle of the war
  • Battle of Hampton Roads

    Battle of Hampton Roads
    during this battle "iron clad" ships as they were called proved themselves to be superior.
  • The Battle of Shiloh

    The Battle of Shiloh
    this was a surprise attack from the Confederates but the union was able to hold them off until reinforcements arrived. this is the single bloodiest battle on american soil.
  • Battle of Antietam/sharpsburg

    Battle of Antietam/sharpsburg
    this was the 1st attempt from the South to invade the North
  • The Emancipation Proclamation

    The Emancipation Proclamation
    Pres. Lincoln Gives the emancipation Proclamation in DC
  • Battle at Gettysburg

    Battle at Gettysburg
    This battle was the turning point of the war in favor of the union.
  • Battle at Vicksburg

    Battle at Vicksburg
    The Union gained control of the Mississippi river
  • Sherman's March to the sea

    Sherman's March to the sea
    this was the beginning of the end for the south.the Union armies start to corner the south burning cities along the way to prevent the south from getting supplies.
  • End of Sherman's March to the sea

    End of Sherman's March to the sea
    this is where the march had effectively crushed the spirits of south.
  • 13th amendment

    13th amendment
    this amendment abolished was passed by congress on this date
  • The South surrenders

    The South surrenders
    Gen. Lee surrendered his army at the Appomattox Court House.
  • Pres. Lincoln assassinated

    Pres. Lincoln assassinated
    President Abraham Lincoln is shot by John Wilkes Booth at Fords theater
  • 14th amendment

    14th amendment
    this gave citizenship to African Americans