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Nov 6,1860,Abraham Lincoln's election
Lincoln was elected November 6th 1860 with only 40% of the popular vote. -
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December 20th 1860 South Carolina secedes from the Union .
Two months after Abraham Lincoln was elected, South Carolina secede from the Union. -
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April 12th 1861 the first attack.
At 4:30 a.m. Confederate soldiers attacked Fort Sumter in Charleston, Carolina. The civil war starts. -
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April 17th 1861 Virginia secedes from the Union.
Virginia secede from the union follow the signs 5 weeks from Arkansas Tennessee and North Carolina. -
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December 13th 1862 a loss.
Army of the Potomac under gen. Burnside is destroyed at Fredericksburg. -
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January 31 1862 President Abraham Lincoln issues General more orders no.
President Abraham Lincoln called for the United States Naval and land forces to begin a general by February 22. -
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July 4th 1863 no more stronghold.
Vicksburg at last Confederate stronghold on Mississippi River, surrender gen. -
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March 9th 1864 a new Commander.
President Abraham Lincoln appoints gen. Grant to command all of the armies of the United States. -
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May 12th 1865 The End.
The remaining Confederate forces surrender. Over 620, 0 0 0 Americans died in the war, with disease killing it twice as many that were killed in battle.