Civil war timeline

  • Missouri compromise

    The effort to balance slave states and free states
  • nat turner slave rebelion

    nat turner slave rebelion
    led the slaves in a rebellion against the plantation owners
  • war with mexico

    war with mexico
    fought for mexicos land
  • wilmot proviso

    Unsuccesful proposal to
    ban slavery in the land
    aquired from Mexico.
  • compromise of 1850

    compromise of 1850
    laws to deal with slavery and territory
  • Fugitive slave acts

    Fugitive slave acts
    required that runaway slaves be returned
  • uncle toms cabin

    uncle toms cabin
    published for anti- slavery
  • dred scott decision

    dred scott decision
    Dred Scott was a slave that sued for his freedom, but was not succesful as they claimed he was not a citizen.
  • kansa-nebraska act

    kansa-nebraska act
    allowed these two states to decide whether they wanted slaves or not
  • john browns raid

    took over an arsenal an wanted to start a slave revolt
  • bleeding kansas

    civil unrest caused from the debate whether or not to allow slavery
  • lincoln elected president

  • south carolina secedes

    they werent happy that lincoln won
  • fort sumter

    first battle of civil war
  • confederate states of america

    started because they did not like lincolns ideals