Civil War Timeline

  • Differences between the north and south that starts some arguments between the whole nation

    Differences between the north and south that starts some arguments between the whole nation
  • South Carolina secedes from the union

    South Carolina secedes from the union
  • The south wanted to be neutral at first

    The south wanted to be neutral at first
    The south claimed that they wanted to be neutral but union troops wouldn't leave their forts. This resulted in the battle at Fort Sumter.
  • The south wanted help from Britain

    The south wanted help from Britain
    The south thought that Britain would hate the Union as much as they did but Britain decided to be neutral through the war, but they did trade with the south
  • Abraham Lincoln was voted president

    Abraham Lincoln was voted president
  • The battle of Fort Sumter started

    The battle of Fort Sumter started
    This battle started the civil war.
  • The rest of the south follows South Carolina and secedes

    The rest of the south follows South Carolina and secedes
    The date is the way it is because that was when the rest of the south seceded.
  • Both sides thought it would be a easy fight till the battle of Bull Run

    Both sides thought it would be a easy fight till the battle of Bull Run
    This battle should that both sides were able to handle themselves better than the other
  • The battle of Gettysburg

    The battle of Gettysburg
    The bloodiest battle throughout the whole war
  • Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address speech

    Abraham Lincoln gave the Gettysburg Address speech
    This speech gave the respect to the soldiers that fought in this battle and not about just the south is evil but only the soldiers that fought in this battle
  • The end of the civil war

    The end of the civil war
    General Robert E. Lee surrendered