Uncle Tom's Cabin
Harriet Beecher Stowe published the book "Unclue Tom's Cabin". It was an anti-slavery novel that depicted the impact that slavery had on families. -
Attack on Harper's Ferry
In 1859, an abolitionist (or terrorist) by the name of John Brown attacked an armory in hopes of starting a slave uprising and revolt. His actions failed and he was later hanged. -
Lincoln Elected President
In the election of 1860, Abraham Lincoln was elected president despite not even being on the ballot in many places in the South. His election was controversial as he did not win the popular vote and did not win any states in the South. -
South Secedes
Due to the turnout of the election, one thing led to another and the Southern United States seceded from the Union. They went on the elect officials and even have their own President. They called themselves the Confederate States of America. -
Attack on Fort Sumter
As a Union supply ship was heading to Fort Sumter, the fort was suddenly bombarded with gunfire and heavy cannons. This attack was led by General Beauregard and many see this as the beginning of the Civil War. -
First Battle of Bull Run
This is marked as the first true land battle of the Civil War. Both sides had troops that were greatly undertrained and the Confederates ending getting a victory. -
Battle of Belmont
Although not being an overly important battle for either side, this marked the first battle experience gained by future President Ulysses S. Grant. -
Battle of Hampton Roads
Often referred to as the Monitor vs Merrimack it is the first, and only, real naval battle of the Civil War. All it did was prove that wooden ships were now obsolete. -
General Grant was surprise attacked, taking heavy losses the first day. He received reinforcements which allowed him to flip the script the next day and eventually win the battle. -
This battle took place in the East and is marked as the single bloodiest day in American History. Although tactically inclusive, the Union was given the victory. -
This battle was a huge turning point for the war. It showed that the Confederates were now helpless and out of men and that the war would be over soon. This was also the costliest land battle of the Civil War. -
Battle of Atlanta
Led by Sherman, the Union forces defeated the Confederates and cut off many important supply routes and railroad fixtures. After this, Sherman began his March to the Sea, burning entire cities at a time in the South. -
Battle at Appomattox
This was a last ditch effort for General Lee of the South to break through Union lines. He realized he could not go in any longer and it was a decisive Union Victory. This was one of the last battles of the Civil War. -
The Surrender
Following the Battle of Appomattox, General Lee formally surrenders to Ulysses S. Grant, marking the end of the war. He asks for his men to keep their horses and he wants to keep his sidearm. He is then let free. -
President Assassinated and Many Other Problems
Just following the Civil War, President Lincoln is assassinated. This leads to Andrew Johnson being President and taking Reconstruction matters into his own hands. Things do not go as planned and Congress has to deal with reconstruction when he is impeached. It takes 12 full years until reconstruction is finished which is three times the duration of the war itself!