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civil war timeline

  • South Carolina secedes from union

    South Carolina secedes from union
    they benefited from slavery
  • Presidential election of 1860

    Presidential election of 1860
    Abraham lincoln defeated southern democrat John Breckinridge
  • forming of confederate states of america

    forming of confederate states of america
    7 states seceded from the union
  • Jefferson davis appointed president of the confederacy

    Jefferson davis appointed president of the confederacy
    he was the only man to serve as president of the confederates
  • Lincoln’s first inaugural address

    Lincoln’s first inaugural address
    when lincoln took oath to be the 16 president
  • Battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle of Fort Sumter
    the start of the civil war
  • Battle of the bull run

    Battle of the bull run
    the first battle of Manassas
  • first battle of the ironclads

    first battle of the ironclads
    first meeting in combat of ironclad warships
  • battle of shiloh

    battle of shiloh
    the most ironic battle because Shiloh means peace
  • siege of new orleans by union

    siege of new orleans by union
    naval action by the union to capture new orleans
  • second battle of the bull run

    second battle of the bull run
    it was fought in prince william county of virginia
  • emancipation proclamation

    emancipation proclamation
    all slaves had to be freed immediately
  • battle of gettysburg

    battle of gettysburg
    robert e lee marches his army from virginia to pennsylvania
  • battle of vicksburg

    battle of vicksburg
  • battle of antietam

    battle of antietam
    it had over 22,000 casualties