Civil War Timeline

By 20ddrew
  • Eli Whitney's Cotton Gin

    Eli Whitney's cotton gin made growing cotton a much more profitable endeavor. The cotton gin made it much easier to remove the seed from cotton and made slavery slightly more humane. Unfortunately, rather than having fewer slaves, the plantation owners got more slaves to make even more money and was fueled by the cotton gin.
  • Missouri Compromise

    The compromise allowed a state above the 36th parallel to become a slave state and took away the ability for any other territories from the Louisiana purchase to become slave states. This upset northern abolitionists because an exception was made on how strict
  • Nat Turner's Rebellion

    Slave rebellion that took place in Southampton County Virginia. It is estimated that the slaves killed from 55 to 60 people and at least 51 of them were white.
  • Compromise of 1850

    The slave trade in D.C. was abolished. The fugitive slave act was amended. California became a free state and a territorial government was created in Utah.
  • Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Anti-Slavery book published and distributed across the country. Problems arose when southern states claimed it was necessary to be destroyed as they said it was meant to cause hate towards their institution.
  • John Brown's Raid

    John Brown is a northern abolitionist that organized a raid on a us armory to give slaves a chance to fight for their freedom. The main issue with his plan was that he didn’t tell any slaves of this event. So no one showed up to help defend the armory after it was taken. Which allowed the state to regain control over the armory very shortly after it was taken.
  • Abraham Lincoln's Election

    The election of Abraham Lincoln upset many southern farmers. Lincoln also was against slavery which caused southern slave owners to have a strong dislike for the president.