Compromise of 1850
Diverts War and was a set of 5 bills which defused a four-year of confrontation between the free states of the North and slave states of the South regarding the state of the territories acquired during the Mexican-American War -
Dred Scott case
Dred Scott decision states that all slaves are property -
Linclon was Elected
Linclon recived 40% of the popular vote in the and when he was electedhis main goal was to save the union -
South Carolina Seceds from the Union
First State that triggers many south states to secede -
Fort Sumter Attacked
Attacked by the Confederates and Union Soldiers are forced to retreat -
First Battle Of Bull Run
Confederate Win -
Confederate states created
The seceded states form the Confederate States of America -
Battle of Shiloh
A important battle in the civil war -
Seven Days Battle
Confederate Victory -
Second Battle Of Bull Run
Confederate Vicotory -
Battle of Antietam
Bloodist day of the Civil War more than 20,000 casualties on both sides
Union Victory -
Battle of Fredricksburg
Confederates won this battle -
Emancipation Proclomation
By the summer of 1862 Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclomation after the battle of Antietam -
West Virginia Becones a state
Some Virgina citizens did not want to secede so the state split and west virgina did get into the union -
Battle of Gettysburg
Most famous and important battle in the civil war -
Draft Riots
Violent riots agianst the forced draft in New York -
Wade-Davis Bill
A very harsh bill -
13th Amendent
Formally abolished slavery -
Freedmanś Bureau
Helped Freed African Americans making the transition to freedom -
Lincoln was assinated
Linclon was assinated