Civil War Timeline

  • Lincoln Gets Elected

    Lincoln Gets Elected
    What It Was- the ection where Lincoln became president Significance- that we had a good leader that could help us win battles
  • Lincoln orders blockade of the south

    Lincoln orders blockade of the south
    The bloackade blocked out everythig from coming in and going out, this was significant because it would make the south grow weaker
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    What It Was- a battle to take over Fort Sumter Significance-South got controle
  • 1st Battle of Bull Run

    1st Battle of Bull Run
    What It Is- a battle fought near Bull Run Creek Significance- the first great battle of the Civil War
  • Battle of Ironclads

    Battle of Ironclads
    What it Was- a ship battle Significance- 1st ironclads ship battle
  • Battle Of Shiloh

    Battle Of Shiloh
    What It Was- the confederates surpise attacked the Union (being lead by Grant) Significance- the Union still won not having time to prepare
  • 7 Days Campaign

    7 Days Campaign
    What it was- 7 day battle fighting for the Conferdriates capital Richmond Significance- the battle was bloody and intense but the Confederats were able to get his troops out safley
  • Antietam

    What It Was- Confederates decided to carry the fight to the ememies Significance- they withdrew themselves
  • Emancipation Proclamation issued

    Emancipation Proclamation issued
    What It Was- an executive order issued by Linoln Significance- they were trying to free slaves
  • 2nd Bull Run Battle

    2nd Bull Run Battle
    What It was-another battle at bull run, the unnion was trying to get to richmond and the confederacy attacked Significance-the confederacy won
  • Emancipation Takes Effect

    Emancipation Takes Effect
    What It Was- a order issue that Lincoln Significance- it freed 50,000 slaves
  • Chancellorsville

    What it Was-General Lee fought against General Hooker Significance- even tho it was 2 vs 1 Lee won
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle of Gettysburg
    What it was-ending Lee's invation on the Union Significance- wars turning point
  • Vicksburg

    What It Was- The north surrounded a fort looking over the mississippi and took over Significance- The north controled the Mississippi
  • Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg Address
    What it Was- a speech given by Lincoln Significance- raised the moral of his troops
  • Chattanooga

    What It Is- a series of battles Significance- Grant and Thomas led us into a victory
  • Ulysses S. Grant

    Ulysses S. Grant
    What it was- when Grants became the general of the Union army during the Civil War Significance- one of the greatest heros of the Civil war
  • Re-election Of Linoln

    Re-election Of Linoln
    What It Was- when Lincoln got re-elected to be president Significance- we had a great leader that knew what he was doing
  • Battle Of Atlanta

    Battle Of Atlanta
    What It Was- a march to burn Significance- marched to sea, and they burned everything in their way
  • March To Sea

    March To Sea
    What It Is- troops left and marched to Atlanta Significance- they burned everything within 60 miles
  • Savannah Falls

    Savannah Falls
    What It Is- Shermans troops tried to take over Savannah Significance- Sherman took over
  • 13th Amendment

    13th Amendment
    What It Was- a amendment putting a stop to slavery Significance- everyone was free
  • Union Army moves in Richmond, VA.

    Union Army moves in Richmond, VA.
    What it was- when the Union aremy took over Richmond even tho it was occupied
    Significance- that we got the Confederacy to move out
  • Lee Surrenders

    Lee Surrenders
    What It Was- the last group surremders to the Union Significance- the Union won, and got to free slaves
  • Lincoln Is Killed

    Lincoln Is Killed
    What it was- Lincoln was watching a play when John Booth came in Lincolns booth and shot him Significance- that we got a new president