Civil War time line

  • Period: to

    Civil War

  • The election of Abraham Lincoln

    The Election of Abraham Lincoln
    Lincoln was walking home at 2 a.m. in Springfield, Illinois when he recieved a telegram from New York to let him know the election has been confirmed. The significance of this event is incredible. If he wasn't elected then maybe another president could have easily failed in preserving the Union during the civil war. There might still be slavery to this day.
  • The Confederacy of the United States is formed Confederacy of the U.S.
    South Carolina was the first to secede, followed by mississippi, Florida, Goergia, Alabama, Texas and Louisiana.
    This event is important because this limited it's ability to make war. States could refuse the use of militia.
  • The battle of Fort Sumter

    Battle map
    The location was charleston Harbor. The North won the battle. It lasted 48 hours. It is important because it showed that the north is strong and very hard to beat, they had no casualties from the war.
  • First Battle of Bull Run

    Battle Map AnimationThe battle took place in virginia. It was a confederate victory. The battle took 5 days. It was important because it was one of the first major land battles.
  • Battle of Fort Henry

    The Battle of Fort HenryIt was located in stewart county, Henry county, Tennessee, calloway county and Kentucky. It was a union victory. It is unclear how long the battle lasted but it was an estimated 10 days. It is important because this gave the union 2 major water transportation routes
  • Battle of Fort Donelson

    Fort Donelson battle mapThe location was at Cumberland River. This was a North victory. The battle lasted 5 days. This is important because this ensured that kentucky would stay in the union
  • Battle of Shiloh

    The location was at southwestern Tennessee. It eneded with a stalemateThe battle was two days long. The significance of this event showed that the civil war is going to be a high price in human lives.
  • Second Battle of Bull Run

    The location was at Virginia. It was a confederate victory. It lasted for 2 days. It is important because it showed that the confederates can still fight.
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle MapThe location is washington county maryland. Although from a military standpoint it was a draw, Abrham Lincoln and the Union claimed it as a victory. The battle lasted for two days. This is the victory that lincoln need to deliver the Emancpation Proclamation.
  • Battle Of Fredericksburg

    Battle Map
    The location was at Fredericksburg, Virginia. It was a Confederate victory. The batlle lasted 4 days. This is important because nearly over 13,000 casuaties were recorded.
  • The Emacipation Proclamation is signed

    Emacipation Proclamation
    The Location of the place where he signed it was rather hard to find but however, I can tell you the significance of this event.
    It is important because all persons held as slaves shall be then free.
  • Battle of Chancellorsville

    Battle Map
    The location was Spotsylvania county, Virginia. It was a confederate victory. It lasted 6 days. This battle stood out to me because this is the battle that ended Stonewall Jackson's life.
  • Siege of Vicksburg

    Battle MapThe location is at Warren County, Mississippi. This was a Union victory.The Battle lasted 47 days.This event is significant because the south's fate was all but sealed.
  • Battle of Gettysburg

    Battle Map
    The location was at Adams county, Pennsylvania. This was a Union victory. This lasted 2 days. This event is important because it was used in Abraham Lincoln's Gettysbur address.
  • Battle of Fort Wagner

    Battle Mao
    The location was at Morris Island, South Carolina. This was a Confederate victory. It lasted for 50 days. This is important because I said so.
  • Battle of Chickamauga

    Battle MapThe location was at Catoosa county and Walker county, Georgia.
    The victor was the Confederate. It lasted for 2 days. This was an important even because the results were overwhelming, especially in casualties.
  • The Gettysburg Address

    Gettysburg address
    The location was at gettysburg, Pa. This event is important because it would be remembered as one of the most significant speeches in american history. In the speech contained human equality and declaration of independence
  • The Re-election of Abraham Lincoln
    The location was at the capitol. There is a great significance to this event. Without this relection then Lincoln could not have helped capture a confederate for in savanna, December 13
  • The surrender at the appomattox courthouse

    Civil war
    The location was appomattox county, Virginia. This is important because this was the last war and theys surrendered to the union.
  • The Assasination of abraham Lincoln
    The location was in Washington D.C..
    This is an important event because who knows what other accomplishments Abraham could have done in another term. It could change the outcome of many events in the future if it had gone the other way