Fort Sumter
(1)it's main purpose was to guard Charleston Harbor.
(2)Anderson surrendered after realizing he didn't have a chance to win, leading to the victory of the Southern Army. -
Battle of Bull Run
(1) The confederates won the battle(both sides suffered casualties)
(2) During stonewall Jackson's attack at Henry House Hill, the confederates soldiers charged with their bayonets and scream a terrifying high pitch battle cry that later was know as the "rebel yell" -
Battle of Antietam
(1) Despite being heavily outnumbered, the confederate army continued to to hold their ground during the day.
(2) Abraham Lincoln decided to use their victory as an opportunity to announce the EMANCIPATION PROCLAMATION. -
Battle of Gettysburg
(1)The battle of Gettysburg was the deadliest battle of the Civil War.
there were around 46,000 casualties including nearly 8,000 dead.
(2) The battle took place over three days. On the first day the armies were still coming together. On the second day , the armies from both sides were now at full force. On the the third day , General Lee decided to make a all or nothing attack.He felt that if he could win this battle, the south would win the war. -
Battle of vicksburg
(1)The city of Vicksburg is located on the Mississippi River. It was the last major port on the river held by the South. If the North could take Vicksburg, the Confederacy would be cut off from supply lines to the west.
(2) The siege took much more longer than your typical battle.
(3) The siege of the Vicksburg was a great victory.