civil war time line.

  • First Battle of Bull Run

    this was the first major battle of the civil war. it was fought in virginia north of the city of Manassas. not far from washington DC
  • Shiloh

    fought in tennessee. the union won this battle.
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    Second Battle of Bull Run (Second Manassas)

    this battle goes to Robert E. Lee, he beat the union. general Longstreet used a counterattack on the Union left.
  • Antietam

    the battle only lasted one day but it is known as the bloodiest day in american history. 22,717 dead, with no clear winner.
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    Battle of Fredericksburg

    the Battle of Fredericksburg was fought in virginia december 11-15
    this battle was won by the confederate army.
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    Battle of Stones River

    the Battle of Stones River was fought in the middle of tennessee. the union somehow manages to get a victory during this bloody conflict.
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    Battle of Chancellorsville

    this battle was a significant win for the confederate army, Robert E Lee in particular. but it is a popular battle because it was indeed the battle in which General Thomas Jackson was fatally wounded.
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    the siege of vicksburg was a clear victory for the union. it gave grant his reputation. lots of grants military tactics used in the battle of Vicksburg are used today.
  • Gettysburg

    this battle was a huge turning point for the civil war. Robert E. Lee's plan to invade the north was put to a stop when the to armies met at Gettysburg.
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    Battle of Chickamauga

    the Battle of Chickamauga was a union victory. its significance was the Battle of Chickamauga was the second highest, battle of the Civil War, second after gettysburg.
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    Battle of Chattanooga

    the Battle of Chattanooga was fought on the tennessee river and holds strategic importance. as it cut of supplies to the south. this was a major victory to the north.
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    The Battle Wilderness

    The Wilderness Campaign was one of the most violent and harsh campaigns in the civil war. president lincoln also made grant in charge of the union forces for the rest of the civil war. The Wilderness Campaign did not have a clear winner
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    Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse

    despite its silly name the Battle of Spotsylvania Courthouse is no laughing matter. it turned out to be the costliest battle of the overlord campaign. with over 30,000 casualties.
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    Battle of Cold Harbor

    the Battle of Cold Harbor was another important battle in the civil war. it took place in virginia and was one of the final battles led by general grant. (union win)
  • Battle of Atlanta

    Battle of Atlanta
    Atlanta was used as a center for military operations for the south, so the Battle of Atlanta held comercial inportats this was an important win for the north.