Period: to
Civil War and Reconstruction
Abraham Lincoln becomes president
Secession of South Carolina
Confederate government organized
Fall of Fort Sumter
First Battle of Bull Run
Duel between the Monitor and the Merrimac
Battle of Shiloh
Second Battle of Bull Run
Battle of Antietam
Battle of Fredericksburg
Lincoln issues Emancipation Proclamation
Battle of Chancellorsville
Surrender of Vicksburg
Battle of Gettysburg
Lincoln's address at Gettysburg
Battle of the Wilderness
Sherman captures Atlanta
Sherman begins his march to the sea
Surrender of Lee at Appomattox
Assassination of Lincoln
Andrew Johnson becomes president
Thirteenth Amendment ratified
Purchase of Alaska from Russia
Reconstruction bill passed over veto
President Johnson impeached by the House
Fourteenth Amendment adopted
Inauguration of U. S. Grant
Pacific Railroad completed
Fifteenth Amendment ratified
Great fire in Chicago
The financial panic of 1873
Invention of the telephone
Custer's army destroyed by the Indians
R. B. Hayes becomes president
Great railroad strike