During the first day
Yesterday we marched about 25 miles it was hard days work my feet were sore and I felt bad, no word from home yet. This morning one started and came to the Pamunkey river and rested about a hour before are crossed. Day before yesterday there was a fight at Chester field junction there was. 180 rebels killed and only 6 of our men. We captured about 5000 of them that day -
Before war
Sunday we came in about noon yesterday and before 5 o’clock we had strong entrenchments built we lay in them all night and were called up at 2 o’clock. To be in line of battle untill day-light. There was no disturbance although the enemy were withen a mile of us in force. No word from home yet. The country is very fine here, better than the most places I have seen in Virginia. Nice houses and plantations, corn and potatoes are pretty large and cherries are ripe peaches are coming -
3rd tragedy
This morning we started at daylight towards Hanover court how we marched slow and had no rations the boys have had only about two hard tacks since yesterday morning. Yesterday it was reported that Robt. Lee was killed with a shell last Thursday about 8,00 of the enemy came in and said that it was true. -
The last night of war
Last night we were in line of battle all night. There was a pretty hard fight on our left but what it was I do not know. We drew three days rations of bread, sugar, coffee, salt. We ate. We get plenty of beef all the time. -
Food problems
We are yet in our works is going on in front of our line. I have had two letters from home and feel better. We drew two days rations last-night which is to last us five days. -
Friends died
Our two troops and the Rebs have met with a flag of truce to bury the dead -
Another afternoon
This afternoon there was another truce to bury the dead, and there has not been a gun fired yet. -
weponery status
Yet living behind our works, last night one big gun about every hour. -
JUNE 10th
We are yet living in our works. Our men throws a shell over once in a while.