Civil war major events

  • 1867 BCE

    Confederation formed

    Confederation formed
    Confederate states declared to be on their own(
  • 1865 BCE

    Civil war begins

    Civil war begins
    The civil war began at fort sumner after the confederate soldiers fired on the union for 34 hours after that the union decided to surrender(
  • 1865 BCE

    Robert e lee surrenders

    Robert e lee surrenders
    Robert e lee was forced to surrender due to the north virginia army(constitution
  • 1865 BCE

    Assassination of Abraham Lincoln

    Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
    Abraham Lincoln was shot and killed by john Wilkes booth in a movie theatre and was carried to a home and died soon after (
  • 1864 BCE

    Lincoln re elected

    Lincoln re elected
    Lincoln was re elected for another term
  • 1863 BCE

    Emancipation proclomation

    Emancipation proclomation
    The emancipation proclomation was signed on the 3rd year if the civil war(
  • 1863 BCE

    Battle of gettysburg

    Battle of gettysburg
    This battle was started by general Robert e lee( in Gettysburg Pennsylvania and was won by the union army (
  • 1863 BCE

    Siege of Vicksburg

    Siege of Vicksburg
    The battle was started by Ulysses s grant after forces met at the champion hill ( after this the union was victorious in this battle(
  • Period: 1863 BCE to 1877 BCE

    Reconstruction of the south

    The reconstruction included america fixing the rights of African Americans they made laws against racial discrimination and gave them rights to many different things that ordinary americans already had (
  • 1862 BCE

    Second battle of bull run

    Second battle of bull run
    This battle took place in prince William county and started by Robert e lee the battle happened after the first battle of bull run at the same location Robert e lee and his army won the battle (
  • 1862 BCE

    Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The battle of Shiloh held place at Washington county and was led by general George McClellan( and was won by the union soldiers(
  • 1862 BCE

    Monitor vs Merrimack

    Monitor vs Merrimack
    This battle was known as the first naval battle in the civil war after Virginia opened fire on the Minnesota (
  • 1861 BCE

    Lincolin elected

    Lincolin elected
    Abraham Lincoln was elected as the 16th president of the United States (
  • 1861 BCE

    First battle of bull run

    First battle of bull run
    The first battle of Joseph e Johnston in prince William county when union forces were attacked by the confederate soldiers this took by a small river called bull run(
  • 160

    South Carolina succeeds

    South Carolina succeeds
    On December 20 of 1860 South Carolina succeeded after Abraham Lincoln was elected. (
  • Battle of Shiloh

    Battle of Shiloh
    The battle of Shiloh was started by Ulysses grant and was won by the union this took place at the western theatre of the american civil war(