Civil War Key Battles

  • Emancipation Proclimation

    Emancipation Proclimation
    This document daclared all slaves that lived in states that would not submit to union control were hereby freed. It also talked about the dangers of rebellions and that all people who rebelled against the union would be punished severely. 1.Borade Gaynor, Summary of Emancipation Proclamation June 17, 2009
  • Vicksburg Battle

    Vicksburg Battle
    The battle that cut the south in halg General Grant attacked the town of vicksburg and kept it from getting food for two months and won because the southerners were tired of not eating. Licoln said that vicksburg was the souths spinal cord and it was now severed. American Pageant 13th Edition, The "Civil War" pg 467
  • Gettysburg

    Gettysburg was one of the pivotal battles in the civil war it was also the bloodiest over 92000 men fought for the north against 76000 southerners. The key point in the battle was Sothern general Pickets charge. The cahrge has been called the hightide for the south during the war. After the charge was fought off the souths spirit was broken and the union won the battle and basically won the war. American Pageant 13th Edition, "Civil War" page 466
  • Election Of 1864

    Election Of 1864
    Licoln was reelected in 1864 over democratic challenger George B. McClelan . This win for licoln assured the end of slavery and the continuation of lincolns war time policies.
    American Pageant 13 edition pg. 172
  • Shermans March

    Shermans March
    General sherman marche dhis army from georgia to atlanta Burning georgia all the way. His march finally ended when he reached the sea. He killed hunfreds of civilians on his march. But it was also a key battle for the north.
    American Pageant 13th Edition pg 467-69