Civil War-Jaedon Davis

  • First Battle of Bull Run

    The confederate won
    it happened in Virginia
  • Glorieta Pass

    Union won the battle
    happened in New Mexico
  • Shiloh

    Union won the battle
    happened in Tennessee
  • Antietam

    Who won: inconclusive
    It happened in Maryland
  • Fredericks burg

    State it happened in:Virginia
    Who won the battle? The confederate
  • Chancellorsville

    The confederate won
    It happened in Virginia
  • Vicksburg

    Union won the battle
    Happened in Mississippi
  • Gettysbrug

    State it happened in: Pennsylvania
    Union won the battle
  • Fort Wagner

    Who won the battle? Confederate victory
    State it happened in:south carolina
  • Appomattox

    Union won the battle