Fort Sumter
Confederates fire on and capture the Union held Fort Sumter in South Carolina, starting the Civil War. -
First Battle of Bull Run
This was the first battle of the Civil War, in which the Confederates won and caused the Union to realize that the war was going to be longer and more serious than expected. -
Battle of Antietam
This battle is known as the single bloodiest day in all of American history. General McClellan led the Union in this battle and won, but did not go after the Confederates as they ran away, leading to Abraham Lincoln firing him, since he could have ended the war then and there, but didn't. -
Emancipation Proclamation
A proclamation made by Abraham Lincoln that legally freed all slaves in the Confederacy. -
Battle of Gettysburg
A battle lasting three days in which the Union was victorious. In this battle 1/3 of Lee's (the Confederates') army was killed, and he retreated to Virginia. -
Defeat of Vicksburg
The battle for which the Union won, gained control over the Mississippi River, and fulfilled the Anaconda plan. -
New York City Draft Riots
On this day, the less wealthy of New York rioted and protested because of the government's drafting laws, and the enforcement thereof. -
Formation of the 54th of Massachusetts
This was the most famous African-American regiment during the Civil War. This regiment attacked Fort Wagner in South Carolina. -
Gettysburg Address
A speech made by Abraham Lincoln taking place on the battlefield on which the Battle of Gettysburg took place. During this speech, Lincoln encouraged the Union to continue fighting in order to make sure that the soldiers who died in this battle didn't die in vain. -
Sherman's March to the Sea
During this march, General Sherman attacked not only enemy troops, but also anything that supported the enemy. His troops tore up rail lines, destroyed crops, and burned and looted towns. -
Congress Passes the 13th Amendment
Congress passed the 13th Amendment, which abolished slavery; prohibited involuntary servitude; and nullified the Fugitive Slave Act and the 3/5 Compromise. -
Surrender at Appomattox Courthouse
Although General Lee wanted to continue fighting, he knew that the situation was hopeless. On this day, Lee of the Confederacy and Grant of the Union met in a small town of Virginia called Appomattox Courthouse, where they arranged the South's surrender. -
Assassination of Abraham Lincoln
On this day, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth at Ford's Theater while seeing a play. -
14th Amendment
The 14th Amendment granted all people born in the U.S. (except Native Americans) with citizenship. -
15th Amendment
The 15th Amendment says that citizens can't be stopped from "voting on account of race or color". -
Creation of Freedman's Bureau
The Freedman's Bureau was a government organization that helped former slaves. -
End of Reconstruction
Rutherford B Hayes withdrew the last federal troops from the South, which ended reconstruction and the Republican's fight for racial equality. -
Supreme Court Case Plessy vs Ferguson
In this court case, the Supreme Court ruled that segregation was not against the Constitution.