
The Second Half of the Antebellum Era: 1836-1860

  • Northwest Ordinance

    Northwest Ordinance
    This was a law that described how Northern Territory was going to be governed. For example. the unorganized territory of Kansas and Nebraska, people wanted it to become a state but didn't know whether it should be a free or slave state. In conclusion, they used popular sovereignty. Popular Sovereignty was to have the people within the territory vote for it to be a free or slave statte. -Tammy
  • Second Great Awakening

    Second Great Awakening
    During this time period, it was a significant occurance for American Religion, churches were changed and revived which caused a movement that influenced many others. -Tammy
  • Plantation Life for Slaves and Free African Americans

    Plantation Life for Slaves and Free African Americans
    During this time period, an invention called Cotton Gin was created and removed seeds within the cotton. This was useful for the south much like slaves, Most of these owners were wealthy and had 50-250 slaves. Slaves began to attempt in running away. If your owner had died you could have been freed,before it was made illegal if you were captured in the north a bounty hunter would take you and sell you even if you were free before. -Tammy
  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    The Missouri Compromise is the 36 30' line that separated free states and slave states. North would be free meanwhile South was for slaves. This was an uneasy decision due to the fact that they wanted the slave and free states to be equal. Oregon was being shared with England and there were more unorganized territory in the north. -Tammy
  • Enlgand problems

    Britian and the U.S. go at it trough written warfare. On the coast of New york City the steamboat known as Coraline was sent up in flames by Pariots
  • Tyler as President

    Tyler as President
    John Tyler was formerly Jeffersonian Democratic Republican but he was a Whig since he had supported nullification. He also supported the veto of a second bank. Tyler had signed the Tarriff of 1842 realizing the need for additional revenue. Manifest Destiny was the belief that it was the American's duty to extend the United States and It's Government to the Pacific Ocean. Americans believed that Manifest Destiny was their god-given right. -Tammy
  • Aroostook War

    This war was over the land between Canada and Maine they came to a comprimise in Spring of 1842
  • Taking Oregon

    The Americans took Oregon on the 54 40 degrees line this cuased oregon fever or emigrents to move to oregon
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    Mexican-American War

    Zachary Talyor is sent to Califorina by Hickory Polk ,the President of the U.S., the amry of Mexico Attacked America right outside of Rio Grande. In Buena Vista was the final battle for the Americans and Mexicans with the Americans coming out on top.
  • Tariff of 1846

    This is a tariff also known as the Walker Tariff it made tariffs from 35 percent to 25 percent
  • Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo

    The terms were for the US to pay $15 million dollars for the California territory. But the mexicans had to leave that part of the US alone.
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    California GoldRush

    The Gold Rush was one of the biggest Westward movements in the US.It was when gold was found in the rivers and streams of California. This made everyone people in the country try to get there as fast as possible but it caised many deaths and injuries just to find gold.
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    President Taylor

    Zachory was a war hero during the Mexican-American War, the war of 1812, Fort Howard, The Black Hawk War, and Second Semicole War.
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    High point of the Underground RailRoad

    This was a way of freeing slaves from the south. There were "stations" for the runaways and "Conductors" which were abolitionists that wanted to free the slaves.
  • Compromise of 1850

  • Women in Revolt

    Women in Revolt
    The influenced people had begun to create a women's right movement. Woman in Revolt is the very beginning to woman's rights. It was an idea for women to civilize children in their household, including working in factories and such. -Tammy
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    Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Uncle Tom's Cabin was a novel written by Harriet Beecher Stowe. She wrote this novel in response to the Fugitive Slave Law. She was determined to change people's minds about slavery. Slavery was wicked and has abolished throughout time. Everyone in the NOrth became clear of how evil slavery was and began to make a difference.
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    Caning of Charles Sumner

    Chales Sumner was the Senator of Massachusette also a leading abolitionist who was disliked because of his heartless personality. In a speech Sumner was addressing southern efforts to extend slavery into Kansas. Preston S. Brooks was a Democratic Representative from South Carolina who resented the insults from Sumners speech to his state and senate. Brooks decided to approach Sumner and brutally beat him with an eleven-ounce cane.
  • Election of James Buchanan

    The passing of the Kansas Nebraska Act brought an end to the Whig party. James Buchanan was nominated by Democrats when they held a meeting in CIncinnati. His recorded showed that he has notbeen involved in any controversy during the Kansas Nebraska Act.Buchanan went against John Fremont, a Republican, and former President Millard Fillmore, Know-nothing party. James won the election with 174 votes.
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    Lincoln-Douglas Debates

    The series of debates that Lincoln and Douglas participated in also known as the Great Debates. These debates mainly discussed slavewry in the U.S. The most famous Debate took place in Freeport Illinois when the Freeport Dctrine was created.
  • Raid on Harper's Ferry

    John Brown's raid on Harper's Ferry by white abolitionist John Brown to initiate an armed slave revolt in 1859 by taking over a United States arsenal at Harper's Ferry,
  • Democratic Party Splits

    The Democratic Party split because the north and south couldnt come to an agreement on if new states should be slave states or not.
  • Abraham Becomes President

    Abraham Lincoln becomes President. Though Lincoln didn't win the popular vote he won the Electoral votes. He was banned from the poll in 10 states but still won
  • The Lower South Secedes

    The Lower South states who threatned tht they would secede, they seceded in December after Lincoln became president.
  • Confederate States Form

    The Confederate States cinsisted of 11 southern states that seceded from the Union in oder to keep slavery, states rights and pwer for whites
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    The War Begins At Fort Sumter

    The battle on at Fort Sumter was caused because the states who seceded from the union thought that it was their territory because it was in South Carolina. The South attacked because they thought the North would even though they had no intentions to because they wanted to keep peace.