Three Fifths Compromise
The Three Fifths Compromise was an agreement, reached between the northern states and the southern states as to whether or not the south’s slaves would be counted towards the state’s population. The majority of the population in the south was made up of slaves, leaving the North at an unfair disadvantage, causing further argument, breaking up the government over quarrels, and further expanding sectionalism throughout the country. -
Fugitive Slave Act
-Fugative Slave Act
Allowed the recovery of runaway slaves and authorized their arrest and or seziure. Also added a $500 fine to anyone who assisted a fugative . It increased sectionalism by declaring that slaves are not free if they are attempting to escape into the north. It heightened the Northerners fear of a 'slave power conspiracy'. This angered the North greatly, making this act one of the main causes that started the Civil War. -
Hartford Convention
A group of new england federalists gathered in hartford, Conneticut to discuss the power of slaveholders within the federal government. They called for several amendments to the constitution including the requirement of a two-thirds vote to eliminate the three fifths compromise, because it gave an advantage to slave holding states as far as representation. Their calls were a failure, severely damaging the federalists parts as a whole. It represented the first group to call for succession. -
Wilmot Proviso
Piece of legislation proposed by David Wilmot at the close of the mexican American War. The proviso would have outlawed slavery in territory aquired by the United States as a result of the war, which included most of the southwest and extended all the way to california. This increased sectionalism and succession, because it started an intense national debate over slavery and led to the anti-slave republican party in 1854. -
Compromise of 1850
Henry Clay and the struggle for the unionThe compromise prevented further expansion of slavery while strengthing the Fugative Slave Act, a law that compelled Nertherner's to seize and return escaped slaves to the south. Without this compromise the nation would plunge into disunion and civil war. Henry Clay turned to the people for support, and met with several whigs and democrats committed to preserving the union to encourage them. Without it the alternative was war and the extermination of liber -
Dred Scott Vs Sanford
The Dred Scott Case A virginia slave who tries to sue for his freedom in court, was ruled by the supreme court justices that due to the fact that he is a slave. it makes him a piece of property. It also eliminated any human being rights to be bistowed upon him. This overall threatened to recast the overall politican landscape and push towards civil war, and sectionalism. -
John Brown's Raid
John Brown Assessed 150 Years After Harpers Ferry Raid
John Brown was an anti-slave maniac during bleeding Kansas, He is responsible for organizing a small band of whites allies, and free blacks. They raided a government arsenal in Virginia, in hopes that they could seize weapons and distribute them to southern slaves in order to start uprisings.