The Missouri Compromise
When Missouri was added as a state it was added as a free state which upset the balance of free and slave states. To fix this Missouri was added as a slave state and Maine was added as a free state. -
The Radical Anti-Slavery Movement Starts
During the 1830's, the anti-slavery movement started to become more vocal and radical, and wanted an immediate end to slavery. William Lloyd Garrison and Nat Turner were some will known radical abolitionists. -
Nat Turner Begins his Rebellion
Nat Turner begins his rebellion which he believed was a vision from god. He began with some trusted friends but the size increased to about 70 after free and enslaved blacks joined. The rebellion was ended by local militias and detachments from the naval fleet. -
Cotton produces more money than all other exports combined.
Period: to
The Mexican War
The Mexican War introduced new territories to the US and the status of slavery in them became an issue. A bill was created to ban slavery in the new lands but it failed to pass. -
Compromise of 1850
The Compromise of 1850 admitted California as a free state, banned slave trade in California and enforced a stronger slave fugitive law. -
Uncle Tom's Cabin is published
Harriet Beecher Stowe's novel Uncle Tom's Cabin is published and angers the South because of its popularity in the North. It describes how horrible enslaved life is. -
A free Black sold back into Slavery
A free Black was sold into slavery after he walked into Maryland, he then died trying to escape. This happened because of the stronger fugitive slave law. -
Kansas-Nebraska Act
The Kansas-Nebraska Act allowed those states to chose if they would allow slavery or not. This caused volient turmoil between pro and anti slavery groups. -
Dred Scott Case
Dred Scott, a slave, tried to sue for his freedom but was unsuccessful because the court declared that people of African descent are not US citizens so they didn't have the right to sue. -
John Brown Siezes Harpers Ferry
John Brown and his followers siezed the federal armory and arsenal at Harpers Ferry. His intentions were to supply African Americans trying to escape from slavery. He was captured, tried for treason and hanged. -
The Presidental Election of 1860
The democratic party had split into two parties the Northern Democrats and the Southern Democrats. The new Republican Party was an advocate for abolishing slavery. Abraham Lincoln won the election because of the North and West votes in the Electoral College. -
Six Southern States Secede
South Carolina, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas, Geogia, Florida, and Louisiana all seceded from the Union after Abraham Lincoln was elected president. -
Firing on Fort Sumter
Lincoln tried to peaceful resolve the problem but when he resupplied the troops at Fort Sumter in Charleston Harbor the Confederate Forces fired. Then Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, and North Caronlina also the Union because Lincoln sent 75,000 volunteers to put down the rebellion.