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Civil War Causes

  • Missouri Compromise

    Missouri Compromise
    A effort to balance the amount of free and slave states in the United states of america at this current time, drew a imaginary line dividing the country by free and slave states
  • Nat Turner Slave Rebelliom

    Nat Turner Slave Rebelliom
    Rebellion of Slaves, lead by Nat Turner which ended with around 60 rebels dying and Nat turner being captured, convicted and hanged
  • Period: to

    War With Mexico

    War with Mexico, that was due to the "Manifest Destiny" that the American Nation believed so strongly in
  • Wilmot Proviso

    Wilmot Proviso
    An unsuccessful attempt in order to ban slavery in any and all territory that was obtained through the channel of The Mexican American war
  • Compromise of 1850

    Compromise of 1850
    Five laws that were passed in order to deal with the issue of slavery and territorial expansion into the west coast of The United States of America
  • Fugitive Slave Act

    Fugitive Slave Act
    This act allowed for slaves that had escaped or been freed, to be returned back to there owners regardless of where they were
  • Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin

    Publication of Uncle Tom's Cabin
    This is a book that at the time challenged the political views of the current times climate and forced people reading it to try to better understand the situation and understand the whole role of slavery even better
  • Kansas-Nebraska Act

    Kansas-Nebraska Act
    allowed for people of this territory to make there own decisions about becoming a free or slave states
  • Period: to

    Bleeding Kansas

    series of bloody and violent skirmishes in the Kansas territory, the cause of these skirmishes were political and personal views that were challenged by people in the same territories
  • Dred Scott Decision

    Dred Scott Decision
    landmark case which called the Missouri compromise unconstitional and said that slaves were not considered citizens
  • John browns raid on harpers Ferry

    John browns raid on harpers Ferry
    raid lead by Aboltionist John Brown at Harpers ferry to try to arm slaves and lead an uprising
  • Abraham Lincolns Election

    Abraham Lincolns Election
    Abraham Lincoln was elected the 19th president of the United States of America
  • Secession of South Carolina

    Secession of South Carolina
    South Carolina seceded shortly after Lincolns election and seceded because of a fear of slavery being taken away from them
  • Fort Sumter

    Fort Sumter
    The bombardment of Fort Sumter in Charleston, Carolina, which lead to the surrender of the Army and started the Civil War
  • Battle of Antietam

    Battle of Antietam
    The battle of Antietam is a event that would go down in American History as the bloodiest day in american history, this battle eventually led to a Union Victory
  • The Battle of Gettysburg

    The Battle of Gettysburg
    The turning point in the war to where the Union was able to gain ground and was able to actually win the war
  • Vicksburg

    Big victory for the union, divided the Confederacy and cemented the rep of Ulysses S. Grant:
  • Appomattox Courthouse

    Appomattox Courthouse
    One of the last battles of The war lead to the Surrender by Confederate General Robert E Lee to end the war