civil war

  • invention of the cotton gin

    invention of the cotton gin
    In 1794 Eil Whitney patented the cotton gin. The cotton gin revolutionized the production of cotton by speeding up the process of removing seeds from cotton fiber. By the mid-19 century cotton has become America's leading export.
  • Missouri compromise

    Missouri compromise
    The Missouri compromise was made when tensions began to rise between pro-slavery and anti-slavery fractions within the us congress and across the country. It reached a point when Missouri requested admissions to the union as a slave state which treated the delicate balance between slave states and free states. To keep the peace congress orchestrated a two part compromise granting Missouri request but also making Maine a free state .
  • Tariff of 1828 & Nullification Crisis

    The Tariff of 1828 & Nullification crisis centered around southern protests against series of protective tariff that had been introduced to tax all foreign goods in order to boosts all sales on US products and protect manufactures in the north for cheap British goods. They saw that the protective tariffs are damaging the economy .